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The Three Factions in the Comintern (1930)

The Results Of The Sino-Soviet Conflict (January 3, 1930)

Jakob Blumkin Shot by the Stalinists (January 4, 1930)

Opposition Serves the Bolshevik Revolution (January 5, 1930)

The “Third Period” of the Comintern’s Mistakes (December 18, 1929 – January 8, 1930, extract)

A Necessary Supplement (January 9, 1930)

Letter to Siegmund Kanagur ("To Patiently Explain", January 10, 1930)

From the Editorial Board (January 20, 1930)

A New Step Forward (January 21, 1930)

La Verité and The Militant (January 22, 1930)

Letter to Valentin Olberg (Six Letters to Olberg, January 30, 1930)

The Fundamental Principle Errors of Syndicalism (February 1930)

Letter to Valentin Olberg (Six Letters to Olberg, February 5, 1930)

Open Letter to the All Members of the Leninbund (February 6, 1930)

Some Documents Relating to The Origin of the Legend of “Trotskyism” (January 3, 1928/February 7, 1930)

Lessons Of The Capitulations (Obituary Reflections) (February 1930)

Reply to a Friend's Letter (February 7, 1930)

Unifying The Left Opposition (February 8, 1930)

Stalin Has Formed an Alliance with Schumann and Kerensky Against Lenin and Trotsky (February 9, 1930)

The New Course in the Soviet Economy (An Adventure in Economics and Its Dangers, February 13, 1930)

Letter to Valentin Olberg (Six Letters to Olberg, February 23, 1930)

Yes or No? (A First Answer on the Blumkin Murder, March 1, 1930)

Answers to Questions from the USSR (March 1930) 130

Discussions with Max Shachtman (A Visit to the Island of Prinkipo, March 1930)

The 5 Year Plan and World Unemployment (March 14, 1930, different version)

Letter to the Editorial Board of The Militant (Progressives in the United Mine Workers, March 15, 1930)

The New Course in the Economy of the Soviet Union (March 1930)

Open Letter to the Communist Party (The State of the Party and the Tasks of the Left Opposition, March 23, 1930)

Letter to Valentin Olberg (Six Letters to Olberg, March 24, 1930)

Letter to the Editorial Board of The Militant (Prospects of the Communist League of America, March 26, 1930)

As Pure and Transparent as Crystal (March 1930)

Introduction to the German Edition (of “Permanent Revolution”, March 29, 1930)

Stalin as a Theoretician (March 1930)

Three Editorials (April 1930)

They Didn't Know (Stalin, Krestinsky, Yakubovich, and Others Have by Pure Chance Formed an Alliance with Schumann and Kerensky, April 1930)

The Slogan of the National Assembly in China (April 2, 1930)

A Squeak in the Apparatus (A Popular Explanation of Rights and Lefts) (April 13, 1930)

Letter to Harry Winitsky (A Letter to a Lovestoneite/Letter to Revolutionary Age, April 16, 1930)

Letter to Max Shachtman (The Mute Conference, April 16, 1930)

An Open Letter to the Italian Left Communists ( (April 22, 1930, alternative translation)

A Big Step Forward (Unification of the Left Opposition, April 1930)

Toward Capitalism or Socialism? (April 25, 1930)

Letter to Valentin Olberg (Six Letters to Olberg, April 27, 1930)

The Suicide of Vladimir Maïakovsky (May 1930)

Answer to Graef on Collectivization (Published May 1930)

Forgetful Myasnikov (Brief News for the Use of Ultra-lefts, Published May 1930)

More About Comrade Blumkin (Published May 1930)

G. Mannoury and the Comintern (Published May 1930)

Stalin’s “Reply to Collective Farm Comrades” (Published May 1930)

Official Deceit and the Truth (Published May 1930)

Letter to Klorkeit and to the Jewish Workers in France (May 10, 1930)

Letter to Blasco, Feroci und Santini (Problems of the Italian Revolution, A Letter on the Italian Revolution, May 14, 1930)

Internationalism and the Theory of “Exceptionalism” (May 1930)

With Marxist Spectacles (May 16, 1930)

Letter to Comrades in the USSR (A Progress Report to the USSR, May 23, 1930)

Tasks of the Spanish Communists (May 25, 1930)

What Is Centrism? (May 28, 1930)

The Revolution in India – Its TASKS and its DANGERS (May 30, 1930, different version)

Toward the Sixteenth Congress of the CPSU (May 31, 1930)

Letter to Kote Tsintsadze (Reply to Comrade K., June 1930)

Notes of a Journalist (Published June 1930)

The Valuable Work of F. Dingelstedt (June 1930)

The New Masses as "Defender" of the October Revolution (June 10, 1930)

The Sources of Manuilsky and Company (June 1930)

To the Editorial Board of Prometeo (June 19, 1930)

Letter to Max Shachtman (Bureaucratic Tendencies, June 20, 1930)

Letter to Gerard Rosenthal (The French Leadership, June 30, 1930)

Letter to all sections of the International Left Opposition (Circular Letter Number One, June 21, 1930)

Letter to the Executive Committee of the Communist League of France (An Intolerable Situation, June 21, 1930)

Letter to the Executive Committee of the Communist League of France (Capriciousness in the Editing of Our Press, June 21, 1930)

Letter to Pierre Naville (No Limits on Any Party Member, June 26, 1930)

Letter to all sections of the International Left Opposition (Circular Letter Number Two, June 29, 1930)

How the ILO Is Doing (1930)

Stalin and His Agabekov (July 1930)

Stalin as a Theoretician (July 15, 1930)

Preliminary Comments on the Sixteenth Congress (July 25, 1930)

Notes of a Journalist (July/August 1930)

Who Will Prevail? (Published August 1930)

Letter to Hungarian Comrades (August 1, 1930)

Proposal for an Open Letter (August 6, 1930)

Letter to Max Shachtman (We Should Proceed as Democratically as Possible, August 18, 1930)

A Letter to the Communist Workers of Czecho-Slovakia (World Unemployment and the Soviet Five-Year Plan, August 21, 1930)

Letter to the “October group” (Two Letters to China, August 22, 1930)

Greetings to La Vérité (August 25, 1930)

Stalin and the Chinese Revolution (August 26, 1930)

A Political Biography of Stalin (August 1930, different version)

Notes of a Journalist (Published September 1930)

Manifesto on China of the International Left Opposition (September 1930)

Letter to Chinese comrades (Two Letters to China, September 1, 1930)

Letter to the Conference of the German Left Opposition (The Party and the Left Opposition, September 17, 1930)

Another Letter to Hungarian Comrades (September 17, 1930)

On the Declaration by the Indochinese Oppositionists (September 18, 1930)

Letter to the Executive Committee of the French League (The Internal Situation of the French League, September 25, 1930)

The Turn in the Communist International and the Situation in Germany (September 26, 1930)

The Krestintern and the Anti-Imperialist League (Published September 1930)

A History of the Second Chinese Revolution Is Needed (Published September 1930)

Molotov’s Prosperity in Knowledge (Published September 1930)

Physical Attack, Slander, and Provocation (October 1930)

Letter to the Bolshevik-Leninist Organization of Greece (Archio-Marxists) (October 1930)

Letter to all sections of the International Opposition (On Convoking a European Conference, October 1930)

Letter to the Bulgarian Comrades (Extract, October 4, 1930)

Letter to the Executive Committee of the Belgian Opposition (October 12, 1930)

Introduction to The Russian Bolshevik-Leninists on the Present Situation (Introduction to the Rakovsky Declaration, October 22, 1930)

Tasks in the USSR (October 31, 1930)

The History of the Russian Revolution (November 14, 1930)

A Retreat in Full Disorder (November 1930)

Spanish Fascism (November 21, 1930)

The Bloc of the Left and the Right (November 21, 1930)

What Next in the Campaign Against the Russian Right Wing? (Published November 1930)

What Is to Be Learned from the Moscow Trial? (What Is to Be Learned from the Saboteurs' Trial?November 1930)

The Fight Against War Can Allow No Illusions (Published November 1930)

Thermidor and Bonapartism (November 1930)

Letter to Max Shachtman (Personal Elements in the French Struggle, November 25, 1930)

Thermidorianism and Bonapartism (November 26, 1930)

Doubts and Objections About the Bulgarian Manifesto (November 29, 1930)

Remarks on Frank's Work on Collectivization (December 9, 1930)

The Opposition's Record on the Kuomintang (December 10, 1930)

The Successes of Socialism and the Dangers of Adventurism (December 1930)

Notes of a Journalist (Published December 1930)

The Creation of Soviets (December 12, 1930)

Monatte Crosses the Rubicon (December 15, 1930)

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