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Letter to the National Committee Majority (January 3, 1940)

Letter to the National Committee Majority (January 4, 1940)

A Letter to Joseph Hansen (January 5, 1940)

An Open Letter to Comrade Burnham (January 7, 1940)

Letter to James P. Cannon (Dialectics and the Answer to Burnham, January 9, 1940, extract)

A Letter to Farrell Dobbs (January 10, 1940)

More Slander Around the Dies Committee (January 12, 1940)

A Letter to Joseph Vanzler (January 13, 1940)

Letter to James P. Cannon (Farrell Dobbs’s Arrival, January 16, 1940, extract)

A Letter to William F. Warde (January 16, 1940)

A Letter to Joseph Hansen (January 18, 1940)

From a ScratchTo the Danger of Gangrene (January 24, 1940, extract)

A Letter to Martin Abern (January 29, 1940)

Letter to the IEC of the Fourth International (Factionalism and the IEC, February 1, 1940)

A Discussion With Carleton Smith (Published February 2, 1940)

Letter to Albert Goldman (February 10, 1930)

Letter to Albert Goldman (February 10, 1930)

The World Situation and Perspectives (February 14, 1940)

Letter to the Executive Committee, Fourth International (Factionalism and the IEC, February 20, 1940)

Back to the Party (February 21, 1940)

Science and Style” (February 23, 1940)

A Letter to James P. Cannon (February 27, 1940)

Testament (February 27, 1940, different version)

A Letter to Joseph Hansen (February 29, 1940)

Letter to Farrell Dobbs (March 4, 1940)

The Second World War (January/March 1940)

Fragments from the First Seven Months of the War (1940)

Fragments on the USSR (1940)

Preface to a Book on War and Peace (March-April 1940)

Stalin After the Finnish Experience (March 13, 1940)

Declaration (Factionalism and the IEC, March 19, 1940, with Schüssler and Munis)

Declaration on the Status of the Resident IEC (Factionalism and the IEC, April 2, 1940, with Cannon, Schüssler, Dunne and Gordon)

Letter to Farrell Dobbs (April 4, 1940)

Letter to Joseph Vanzler (Rivera’s Wild Denunciation, April 6, 1940)

Letter to Farrell Dobbs (April 16, 1940)

Petty-Bourgeois Moralists and the Proletarian Party (April 23, 1940)

Balance Sheet of the Finnish Events (April 25, 1940)

Letter to the Workers of the USSR (April 23, 1940)

Letter to Chris Andrews (On Japan's Plans for Expansion, May 1, 1940)

The Tanaka Memorial (May 1940)

Letter to Joseph Vanzler (A Serious Work on Russian Revolutionary History, May 2, 1940)

On A “Socialist” Ally of Chamberlain (May 14, 1940)

A Proposal to Professional Slanderers (May 14, 1940)

The Political Backwardness of American Workers (May 19, 1940)

Stalin Seeks My Death (May 24, 1940)

Letter to the Mexican Attorney General (The May 24th Attempt to Assassinate Trotsky, May 27, 1940)

Manifesto of the Fourth International (May 28, 1940, excerpt, different excerpt, third excerpt)

Letter to Leader of the Fourth International (On the Manifesto of the Fourth International, May 28, 1940)

A Letter to James P. Cannon (May 28, 1940)

Accusers or Accused? (May 28, 1940)

Letter to Colonel Sanchez Salazar (May 31, 1940)

Representative Toledano Hurls a New Slander (June 2, 1940)

A Letter to Albert Goldman (June 5, 1940)

Letter to El Nacional (June 6, 1940)

Stalin Seeks My Death (June 8, 1940)

Discussions with Trotsky (June 12-15, 1940)

The Kremlin’s Role in the European Catastrophe (June 17, 1940)

The Reptile Breed of The Nation (June 18, 1940)

GPU Tried to Cover Murder with Slander (June 25, 1940)

Telegram to Mr. Harte (June 25, 1940, with Natalia Sedova, Joe Hansen, Harold Robins, Charles Cornell, Jake Cooper, Otto Schüssler, Walter O'Rourke)

We Do Not Change Our Course (June 30, 1940)

Avuncular Advice (July 1, 1940) 300

Pavon Flores, the GPU's Attorney (July 3, 1940) 301

Supplementary Deposition on the July 2 Hearing (July 3, 1940)

Supplementary and Indispensable Explanations of My July 2 Statements (July 5, 1940)

Questions About Mrs. Carmen Palma's Statement (July 1940)

Letter to Albert Goldman (Letter on Conscription, July 9, 1940)

The Jewish Problem (July 1940)

China and the Russian Revolution (July 1940)

Letter to Albert Goldman (The GPU and the Comintern, July 17, 1940)

Letter to Joseph Vanzler (A Bed and a Plate Waiting, July 17, 1940)

Appeal to the Press (July 27, 1940)

Letter to the Herald Tribune (July 27, 1940)

Letter to Albert Goldman (Misfortune of an Intellectual, July 29, 1940)

Stalin Still Hitler's Satellite (August 2, 1940)

Letter to Charles Curtiss (Nipping a New GPU Lie, August 2, 1940)

How to Defend Ourselves (August 2, 1940)

Two letters to Generous Friends (August 3, 1940)

Assassins May Use "Trotskyist" Label (August 6, 1940) 330

Some Questions on American Problems (August 7, 1940)

On the “Workers” Party (August 7, 1940)

A Letter to Albert Goldman (On A Petty Bourgeois Philistine, August 9, 1940)

Letter to Albert Goldman (How to Defend Ourselves, August 12, 1940)

Letter to James P. Cannon (How to Really Defend Democracy (August 13, 1940)

Letter to Charles Curtiss (Letter to C. Charles, August 16, 1940)

Letter to Jean van Heijenoort (On Dewey's Philosophy, August 16, 1940)

Another Thought on Conscription (August 17, 1940)

Letter to Chris Andrews or Chris Moustakis (Another Thought on Conscription, August 17, 1940)

The Comintern and GPU (August 17, 1940)

Letter to Ray Rainbolt (Welcome to Our Small Garrison, August 18, 1940)

Letter to Henry Schultz (August 20, 1940)

Letter to Edward Palmquist (Two Letters to Class War Prisoners, August 20, 1940)

Letter to Max Geldman (Two Letters to Class War Prisoners, August 20, 1940)

Last Words (August 20, 1940)

Unfinished Writings and Fragments

On Utilitarism

On The Future of Hitler’s Armies

Trade Unions in the Epoch of Imperialist Decay

The Class, the Party and the Leadership

Bonapartism, Fascism and War

Stalin – An Appraisal of the Man and his Influence (excerpt)

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