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August bloc

August bloc (1912) – After the Bolsheviks, with the participation of representatives of the pro-party Mensheviks, declared themselves a party at the Prague Conference in January 1912, social-democratic groups outside this party, with significant participation by Trotsky, organized a conference in Vienna in August 1912. Participants included Mensheviks, the Latvian Social Democracy, and the Bund. The ultra-left Vperyod group left the conference on the first day. The Polish Social Democracy had not participated. A governing body, the Organizing Committee, was formed. The demands had been softened in comparison with the Bolsheviks. Instead of the Republic, a sovereign Duma and universal suffrage were demanded. Instead of confiscation of large land holdings, a revision of agricultural legislation was demanded, etc. The bloc soon disintegrated. Both Trotsky and the Latvian Social Democracy separated from it.
