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Kanagur, Siegmund

Kanagur, Siegmund (1909-1967) – was an Austrian socialist resp. communist. He came with his family from Galicia to Vienna during World War I, fleeing from the Russian army. There he became active in the socialist youth and in 1927 also in the Red Aid, which was dominated by the CP. In the winter of 1929/30 he was involved in the “Komitee für revolutionäre sozialdemokratische Arbeiter" (Committee for Revolutionary Social Democratic Workers), an initiative by Wilhelm Reich that tried to win dissatisfied social democratic workers over to the CP. In 1931 he was expelled from the Red Aid, but nevertheless tried to be accepted into the CP, which happened in 1933. In 1938 he went to Spain to fight in the Civil War. After the defeat in Spain, he was interned in France and later deported to North Africa, where he was liberated by the British and U.S. armies, for which he subsequently served. He changed his name to Kennedy. After the war he worked in Vienna in the media industry. He broke with Stalinism in 1945 and re-joined the Social Democracy in 1950.
