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Kosior, Vladislav

Kosior, Vladislav "Vladimir" Vikentievich (1891-1938) was a Polish-Ukrainian Bolshevik. In his youth his family moved from the Warsaw area to the Donbass. In the revolution of 1905 he joined the Russian Social Democracy, took part in strikes, demonstrations etc. He was arrested several times, spent 5 years in prison, 2.5 years in exile. In 1917 he was a member of the Petrograd Party Committee. During the Civil War, he was a member of the Revolutionary War Council of the 12th Army, vice-chairman of the political department of the 14th Army. Then he had leading roles in the Metalworkers' Union and the Union federation. From 1922-1924 he was editor of the trade union newspaper "Trud".

In 1921 he belonged to the ultra left “Democratic Centralist” group, and from 1923 on he was member of the Left Opposition. In 1925 he was transferred to an economic post in Paris. In 1928 he was expelled from the party and exiled. Because he continued opposition activity he was sentenced to prison. In 1936 he was sentenced to 5 years hard labour and took part in the hunger strike of political prisoners in Vorkuta. He was sentenced to death and executed in 1938.
