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Leon Trotsky 19181226 Telegram to Lenin No. 1517

Leon Trotsky: Telegram to Lenin

[Copy. Telegram. True Copy. (File of outgoing papers for 1918) The Trotsky Papers 1917-1922, edited and annotated by Jan M. Meijer, The Hague. 1964, Vol. 2., p. 215]

From: Kursk

26/XII No. 1517

To: Moscow – Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars, Lenin. Copied to: Moscow – Chairman of the Central Executive Committee, Sverdlov.

I remind you of the necessity of taking Party action in respect of the Sixth Army in line with our telephone conversation. You can obtain the details from the Extraordinary Commissar, Comrade Eyduk.

Chairman of the Military Revolutionary Council, Trotsky
