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Leon Trotsky 19181231 Telegram to Lenin No. 1649

Leon Trotsky: Telegram to Lenin

Copy. Telegram. True Copy. (File of outgoing communications for 1918) [On a separate slip of paper:] The intercepted radio message is missing. The Trotsky Papers 1917-1922, edited and annotated by Jan M. Meijer, The Hague. 1964, Vol. 2., p. 227]


31/XII No. 1649

To: Moscow – Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars, Lenin. Copied to: Chairman of the Central Executive Committee, Sverdlov. People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Chicherin.

Head of Office of the Chairman of the Military Revolutionary Council, Gotovitsky.

intercepted radio message from Krasnov says: “In view of the arrival of large allied shipments of shells and small-arms ammunition, I order that there is to be no sparing of shells and small-arms ammunition in operations against the enemy.” It is essential that wide publicity be given over the radio to the announcement of the assistance in the form of munitions that has started to be given Krasnov.

Chairman of the Military Revolutionary Council, Trotsky
