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Leon Trotsky 19190123 Telegram to Lenin

Leon Trotsky: Telegram to Lenin

[Copy. Telegram. True Copy. (From files of outgoing papers of the Field Chancery No. 1, for 1919, part II) The Trotsky Papers 1917-1922, edited and annotated by Jan M. Meijer, The Hague. 1964, Vol. 2., p. 259]

From: Voronezh

January 23, 1919. No. 373

To: Moscow – Chairman of the Council of Defence, Lenin.

There is a dispute going on in Voronezh between the Military Revolutionary Council of the Eighth Army and the University which arose over the occupation of part of the University building. This dispute has got up to the central authorities. According to the report of the Military Revolutionary Council of the Eighth Army, the military authorities at present occupy a part of the building and this has been adapted to serve as a hospital, and they have done so with this sole aim in view. In view of the epidemic of typhus that is widespread in Voronezh and district, expanding the hospital up to 1500 beds appears a matter of absolute necessity. The reference made by the local authorities to the occupation of the University by various military commands is incorrect, as all other establishments and commands have been removed from the University. Apprehensions as to valuable collections not remaining intact are, according to the report of the Military Revolutionary Council, uncalled for, since no collections of any kind have been discovered in the particular building that houses the hospital. I support the Military Revolutionary Council as regards the absolute need for the University to make room and provide the army with well-equipped hospital premises.

Chairman of the Military Revolutionary Council, Trotsky
