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To The Revolutionary War Council Of The Third Army (January 11, 1920)

Order-Memorandum (January 15, 1920)

To the Working People (February 4, 1920)

On Mobilising the Industrial Proletariat, on Labour Service, on Militarising the Economy, and on the Utilisation of Army Units for Economic Needs (Theses of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party. February 4, 1920)

Bread for the Hungary! Fuel for the Cold! (February 8, 1920)

Who is Ruining Transport? Who is Destroying the Railways? Who is Condemning the Population to Hunger and Every Other Form of Hardship? (February 9, 1920)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the First Labour Army (February 24, 1920, No. 194, Yekaterinberg)

Telegram No. 205 (February 25, 1920)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic (February 26, 1920, No. 195, Yekaterinburg)

Basic Propositions of a Report (to a Meeting of Members of the Yekaterinberg Organization of the Russian Communist Party, February 25, 1920)

Theses of a Report (to a Meeting of Communist Red Army Men in Yekaterinberg, February 26, 1920)

Theses on Going Over to the Militia System (For the Ninth Congress of the Russian Communist Party, February 28, 1920)

From The General Position of the Republic ... (February 28, 1920)

Order by the Revolutionary War Council of the First Labour Army, (March 3, 1920, No. 7, Yekaterinburg)

Order by the Revolutionary War Council of the First Labour Army (March 4, 1920, No. 198, Yekaterinberg)

The Sacred Task of the Red Army (March 10, 1920)

A Contribution to the Question of Military Propaganda (March 16 and 24, 1920)

On the Labour Army (Talk with a Representative of the Soviet Press, March 23, 1920)

From The Party Faced with New Economic Tasks (March 25, 1920)

About the Organisation of Labour (March 30 1920?)

Proletarians of All Lands, Comrade Workers! (April 9, 1920)

Nationalism in Lenin (April 23, 1920)

V.I. Lenin on His Fiftieth Birthday (April 23, 1920)

Labour, the Basis of Life (April 29, 1920)

Labour and War (April 29, 1920)

Death to the Polish Bourgeoisie! (April 29, 1920)

To the Red Fighter on the Polish Front (April 29, 1920

The Polish Front and Our Tasks (April 30, 1920)

To All Workers, Peasants and Honourable Citizens of Russia (April 30, 1920)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic to the Western Front and the 12th Army ( No. 309, May 1, 1920 [The order number in the orignal book states 209, corrected here to read 309]

The Polish Front, A Talk with Representatives of the Soviet Press, May 2, 1920)

The War with Poland (Report to the Joint Session of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee, the Moscow Soivet of Workers’s and Red Army Men’s Deputies, and the Leadership of the Trade Unions and Factory Committees, May 5, 1920)

The Polish Front: On the Occasion of the Creation of a Special Advisory Board Under the Commander-In-Chief (May 7, 1920)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic and People’s Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs to the Forces of the Western Front (May 8, 1920, No. 210, Smolensk)

Kiev is in the Hands of the Polish Gentry! (May 8, 1920)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic to the Commissars and Commanders of the Western Front (May 9, 1920, No. 213)

What Do They Want? (May 9, 1920)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic to the 16th Army (May 10, 1920, No. 214)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic and People’s Commissar for Transport to the Province of Gomel (May, 10, 1920, No. 215, Gomel)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic to the Troops of the Western and South-Western Fronts (May 10, 1920, No. 217, Gomel)

For the Soviet Ukraine! (May 11, 1920)

In a State of Intoxication (May 13, 1920)

That Which is Soviet and That Which is of the Polish Gentry (May 15, 1920)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic and People’s Commissar for Transport (May 15, 1920, No. 220, Mogilev)

About Bonar Law’s Speech (May 1920)

Terrorism and Communism (An Answer to Karl Kautsky, May 29, 1920)

Concerning Those Former Officers who are Still in the Camp of the Whites June 3, 1920)

Postal Telegram No. 2886-b (June 12, 1920)

On a Speech by Bonar Law (June 13, 1920)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic to the Red Army and the Red Navy (June 15, 1920, No. 229, Moscow)

Woe to Those Who do not Carry Matters to a Finish! (June 16, 1920)

Speech at a Meeting (in the Murom Railway Workshops, June 21, 1920)

Postal Telegram No. 2886-a (June 29, 1920)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic (June 30, 1920, No. 230, Moscow)

A Necessary Correction (July 11, 1920)

A Letter to Members of the Politburo (July 13, 1920)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic to the Forces of the Western and South-Western Fronts (July 17, 1920, No. 231, Moscow)

More Concern for the Red Soldier (July 20, 1920)

To the Aid of the Sick and Wounded Red Army Man (Letter to the Committee for Aid to the Sick and Wounded Red Army Men)

To The Workers, Peasants And All Honourable Citizens of Soviet Russia and the Soviet Ukraine

An Appeal Issued by the Council of People’s Commissars (July 21, 1920)

On the Coming Congress of the Comintern (July 22, 1920)

Speech on Comrade Zinoviev’s Report on the Role of the Party (July 26, 1920)

Manifesto of the Second World Congress (July 1920)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic (July 31, 1920, No. 232, Moscow)

Address on the World Situation (Second Congress of the Communist International, Fifteenth Session, August 7, 1920)

Theses – On the Military-Political Campaign (in Connection with the Conclusion of Peace with Poland, August 11, 1920)

Order – By the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic to the Red Forces Fighting Against White-Guard Poland (August 14, 1920, No. 233, Moscow)

A Refutation (August 16, 1920)

On the Front Against Wrangel (Report to the Moscow Soviet of Workers’, Peasants’of Red Army Men’s and Cossacks’ Deputies, August 17, 1920)

From Personal Notes (1920)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic, August 18, 1920, No. 234

We Need a Southern Frontier (August 23, 1920)

The Last-Born (August 25, 1920)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic to the 9th Army, August 26, 1920, No. 236, Yekaterinodar

The Kuban Has Not Risen (August 28, 1920)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic to the 13th Army and the 2nd Mounted Army (August 30, 1920, No. 239, Aleksandrovsk)

A Splendid Blow (August 30, 1920)

Comrade Railwaymen! (August 30, 1920)

A Letter to a French Syndicalist About the Communist Party (August 1920)

Wrangel’s Landing (Talk with a representative of the Soviet press, September 1, 1920)

Order – By the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic to the Forces of the Western Front (September 3, 1920, No. 239, Moscow)

Order – By the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic to the Forces of the Western Front (September 3, 1920, No. 240, Moscow)

Is a Second Lesson Needed? (September 8, 1920)

Order – By the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic to the Western Front and the Zone Adjoining the Front (September 9, 1920, No. 241, Minsk)

We Are Stronger Than We Were (September 10, 1920)

The Polish Gentry Do Not Want Peace (September 11, 1920)

Order – By the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic to the Red Army and the Red Navy (September 24, 1920, No. 242, Moscow)

Interview Given to the American Correspondent Comrade Reed (September 24, 1920)

Interview Given to the British Correspondent Mr Farbman (September 27, 1920)

Speech at a Parade in Honour of the Red Commanders (in Red Square, October 2, 1920)

Memorandum of the Red Army Man on the Southern Front (October 8?, 1920

What is the Meaning of Makhno’s Coming Over to the Side of the Soviet Power? (October 10, 1920)

Letter to Yugoslav Communists (October 10, 1920)

Peace With Poland Has Been Achieved! (October 13, 1920)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic to the Armies of the Southern Front (October 13, 1920, No. 246, Kharkov)

Makhno and Wrangel (From the People’s Commissariat for Military Affairs, October 14, 1920)

Order to the War Department and the People’s Commissariat for Transport (October 14, 1920, No. 247, Kharkov)

How is Makhno’s Troop Organised? (October 15, 1920)

Our Task in the Fourth Year (October 15, 1920)

The Southern Front and a Winter Campaign (October 17, 1920)

Let This be the Last! (October 27, 1920)

Don’t Let Them Get Away! (October 27, 1920)

More Equality! (Letter to the Revolutionary War Councils of the Fronts and the Armies and to all responsible workers in the Red Army and the Red Navy) (October 31, 1920)

On the Policy of the KADP (Communist Workers Party of Germany) (November 24, 1920)

From There are No More Fronts (November 26, 1920)

Building the Red Armed Forces (Speech in the debate in the Commission on Studying and Using the Experience of the World War of 1914-1918, November 28, 1920)

Communication to Representatives of the Soviet Press (November 29, 1920)

Communication to the 8th Congress of Soviets (on Reducing the Size of the Army, December 29, 1920)