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Conference of Military Delegates to the Congress of Soviets (January 4, 1922)

Paul Levi and Some ‘Lefts’ (January 6, 1922)

Care for the Army (January 13, 1922)

Speech at the ceremonial meeting of the Moscow Soviet (January 16, 1922)

Thanks, Workers’ Moscow! (January 25, 1922)

A Letter to the Politburo (February 9, 1922)

A Letter to the Politburo (February 10, 1922)

Speech at the Celebration of the Fourth Anniversary of the Red Army (at the Military-Academy Courses for Senior Commanders of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army, February 18, 1922)

Between Red and White (February 20, 1922)

Listen and Get Ready, Red Army! (Speech at the Ceremonial Meeting of the Moscow Soviet Devoted to the Fourth Anniversary of the Red Army, February 23, 1922)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic (February 28, 1922, No.268a)

The Fifth Year – a Year for Study (February 23, 1922)

Speech at the Parade on Red Square (February 23, 1922)

Order by the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic (February 11, 1922, No.365. Fraternal Thanks!)

The Question of the United Front (February 26, 1922)

Order by the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic (February 28, 1922, No.515)

Resolution of the ECCI on the French Communist Party (March 2, 1922)

Springtime Machinations by Our Enemies (Speech at the ceremonial meeting of the Moscow Soviet on the anniversary of the February Revolution, March 12, 1922)

On the United Front (March 22, 1922)

The Trade Unions and the Soviet State (March 29, 1922)

Report to the 11th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) (March 29, 1922)

The Military Academies and Non-Party People (March 31, 1922)

Report and Concluding Remarks at the Meeting of Military Delegates to the Eleventh Congress of the Russian Communist Party (April 1, 1922)

Speech at the All-Russia Conference of Navy Men (April 1, 1922)

Japan at Genoa and Vladivostok (April 11, 1922)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic ( April 13, 1922, No.271)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic (April 14, 1922, No.272. Keep your powder dry!)

A Note on Plekhanov (April 25, 1922, different version)

The Communists and the Peasantry in France (April 29, 1922)

Letter to a Red Army Man (May 1922)

Speech at the Parade on Red Square (May 1, 1922)

From Talks with Representatives of the Foreign Press about the Genoa and Hague Conferences I (May 7, 1922)

Military Knowledge and Marxism (Speech at the Meeting of the Military Science Society Attached to the Military Academy of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army, May 8, 1922)

The Lessons of May Day (May 10, 1922)

From the ECCI to the Central Committee of the French Communist Party (May 12, 1922)

Who Are the Traitors? (May 16, 1922)

Greetings to a Glorious Division! (May 17, 1922)

From Talks with Representatives of the Foreign Press about the Genoa and Hague Conferences II (May 18, 1922)

Order by the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic (May 20, 1922, No.1247)

Introduction: The Path of the Red Army (May 21, 1922)

Karl Liebknecht and Hugo Haase (May 22, 1922)

French Communism and the Position of Comrade Rappoport (May 23, 1922)

From a Draft Reply to Some British Church Leaders (4. June, 1922)

To Comrade Ker (June 6, 1922)

Resolution of the ECCI on the French Communist Party (June 11, 1922)

Greetings to Commander-in-Chief S.S. Kamenev (July 8, 1922)

Ty’ and ‘Vy’ in the Red Army (July 18, 1922)

Order by the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic (July 25, 1922, No.1764. To a Hero of the Pencil and the Paintbrush)

To Comrade Treint (July 28, 1922)

From the ECCI to the Seine Federation of the French Communist Party (Summer 1922

From Talks with Representatives of the Foreign Press about the Genoa and Hague Conferences III (August 27, 1922)

From Talks with Representatives of the Foreign Press about the Genoa and Hague Conferences IV (August 30, 1922)

From Talks with Representatives of the Foreign Press about the Genoa and Hague Conferences V (August 30, 1922)

From the ECCI to the Paris Convention of the French Communist Party (September 13, 1922)

From the ECCI to the Paris Convention of the French Communist Party (October 6, 1922)

From a speech at the textile workers’ congress (October 10, 1922)

The Position of the Republic and the Tasks of Young Workers (report to Communist Youth, October 11, 1922)

Speech at the 5th All-Russia Congress of the Russian Young Communist League (October 16, 1922)

The Fifth Anniversary of the October Revolution and the Fourth World Congress of the Communist International (October 20, 1922)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic (October 24, 1922, No.273. The Supplementary Call-up of the 1901 Class has been Completed!)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic (October 25, 1922, No.274. The Capture of Vladivostok)

Telegram to the Revolutionary War Council of the Black Sea Fleet (October 29, 1922)

Order by the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic (November 2, 1922, No.275)

Speech in Honour of the Communist International (November 7, 1922)

Interview Given to a Representative of the British Press (November 9, 1922)

The New Economic Policy of Soviet Russia and the Perspectives of the World Revolution (November 14, 1922)

Political Perspectives (November 30, 1922)

The Economic Situation of Soviet Russia from the Standpoint of the Socialist Revolution (December 1, 1922)

Resolution on the French Question (December 2, 1922)

Resolution of the French Commission (December 2, 1922)

A Militant Labour Program for the French Communist Party (December 5, 1922)

Speech at the Ceremonial Meeting at the Military Academy (of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army Devoted to the 4th Anniversary of the Academy, December 7, 1922)

Order by the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic (December 21, 1922, No.2846)

Order by the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic (December 22, 1922, No.2848)

Prospects of Revolution (December 23, 1922)

Report on the Fourth World Congress (December 28, 1922, different version)

The Contradictions of the Soviet Policy (December 28, 1922)

From Talk with a Representative of the American Press (1922?)