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Leon Trotsky et al 19271203 Letter to the Presidium of the Fifteenth Congress of the AUCP(B)

Leon Trotsky et al: Letter to the Presidium of the Fifteenth Congress

of the AUCP(B)

December 3, 1927

[Leon Trotsky, The Challenge of the Left Opposition (1926-1927), New York 1980, p. 481-484, title: “The Statement of the 121”]

To the Presidium of the Fifteenth Congress of the AUCP(B):

Comrades! The unity of the Communist Party is the highest principle in the epoch of the proletarian dictatorship. Without the unity of the party on the basis of Leninism, the dictatorship cannot be maintained, progress toward the establishment of socialism cannot be made, and the development of the world revolution cannot be promoted.

The unity of the party has, however, been openly endangered lately by the development of inner-party strife. If the further development of our struggle leads to a split, and then to a fight between two parties, it would mean the greatest possible danger to Lenin’s cause.

We have no desire to deny our share of responsibility for the acuteness of the inner-party situation. In the struggle for our views, we have taken the path of factionalism, which at times took extremely sharp forms; and on several occasions we resorted to methods which go against party discipline. We were urged onto this path only by a profound conviction that our views were correct and Leninist; by our determination to bring these views to the attention of the masses of party members; by the obstacles we encountered on this path; and by the accusations that have been made against us, accusations that are intolerable to Bolsheviks.

There are no programmatic differences between us and the party. We have pointed out the presence and the growth of Thermidorian dangers in the country, and the insufficient measures being taken to guard against them; but we never thought and do not now think that our party or its CC have become Thermidorian, or that our state has ceased to be a workers’ state. We stated this categorically in our Platform. We still maintain, and shall continue to maintain, that our party has been and is the embodiment of the proletarian vanguard, and that the Soviet state is the embodiment of the proletarian dictatorship. We allow no doubts or hesitations on the question of the defense of the Soviet Union, the first proletarian state in the world, the fatherland of all workers. We have never had and do not now have the intention of making non-party people the judges of our inner-party conflicts. However, we are firmly convinced that in fundamental political questions the party has nothing to conceal from the non-party working masses, who constitute the class basis of our party, and that those who are not party members must be kept informed about inner-party affairs by means of an objective outline of the different points of view within the party, as was the case under Lenin.

However, the inner-party struggle has become so acute that it threatens the unity of the party, and consequently the fundamental interests of the proletarian dictatorship. This cannot and must not continue. The struggle in this form must be liquidated. Before the eyes of the international bourgeoisie, which is speculating on a split in our party and is therefore preparing all the more feverishly for a war against the Soviet Union; before the eyes of the international proletariat, which correctly sees the unity of the AUCP as the most important guarantee for the success of its revolutionary struggles — we consider it our duty to do everything necessary to strengthen the fighting unity of our party.

We cannot renounce views which we are convinced are correct, and which we have submitted to the party in our Platform and our theses; but to preserve the unity of the party, to safeguard its full fighting capacity as the leader of the state and the world proletarian movement, we declare to the congress that we will cease all factional work, dissolve all factional organizations, and call upon all those sharing our way of thinking in the party and the Comintern to do the same. We consider it to be an unconditional duty of every party member to submit to the decisions of the party congress, and we shall fulfill this duty. We have worked for our party for years and for decades. We shall not agree either to a split or to the establishment of a second party. We categorically reject the idea of a second party. We consider any attempt in that direction to run counter to Lenin’s teachings, and to be doomed to failure. We shall continue to work for our party and shall defend our views only within the limits imposed by the party rules and the formal decisions of the party. That is the right of every Bolshevik, as laid down in many basic congress decisions in Lenin’s lifetime and since.

This declaration is the expression of our firm determination.

We are convinced that we express the views of all those who share our way of thinking who have been expelled from the party, and that, on the basis of this declaration, the party should take the first step toward restoring a normal party life, by readmitting those who have been expelled, releasing from prison those who have been arrested for Oppositional activities, and giving each of us the opportunity to demonstrate the firmness of our resolve by our work in the party.

We do not doubt that analogous measures in the Comintern toward those who share our views, in connection with their ceasing of factional activities, will also help to restore normal conditions in the other sections of the Comintern.

At the congress and during the party discussions before the congress we defended our views with firmness and determination. Now that we have decided to submit to the congress, we shall carry out this resolve with equal firmness and determination, as true soldiers of the Bolshevik proletarian army.

(1) Avdeev, Iv. (party member since 1901); (2) Aleksandrov, A. (1918); (3) Alekseev, G. (1916); (4) Alsky (1917); (5) Andreev, N. (1914); (6) Ausem (1901); (7) Beloborodov, A. (1907); (8) Belyais, Ya. (1912); (9) Babakhan, S. (1917); (10) Batashev, A. (1918); (11) Baranov, S. (1913); (12) Belenky, G. (1901); (13) Bakaev, Iv. (1906); (14) Budzinskaya (1914); (15) Boguslavsky, M.; (16) Vorobev, V. (1914); (17) Vardin, I. (1907); (18) Vrachev, I. (1917); (19) Vujović, V. (1912); (20) Gessen, S. (1915); (21) Greizha, P. (1917); (22) Gusev, V. I. (1917); (23) Gordon, N. (1903); (24) Gertik, Ar. (1902); (25) Ginsburg, L. (1919); (26) Guralsky, A. (1918); (27) Goryachev, V. (1909); (28) Drobnis; (29) Dmitriev, T. (1915); (30) Yelkovich, Ya. (1917); (31) Yevdokimov, G. (1903); (32) Yezhov, P. (1917); (33) Yefretov, Ye. (1917); (34) Zhuk, A. (1904); (35) Zinoviev, Gr.; (36) Zorin, S. (1917); (37) Zalutsky, P. (1907); (38) Zverev, D. (1917); (39) Ishchenko, A. (1917); (40) Ivanov, A. (1913); (41) Ivanov, V. (1915); (42) Ilyin (1917); (43) Kamenev, L.; (44) Kavtaradze, S. (1903); (45) Kaspersky (1913); (46) Krasovskaya, M. (1912); (47) Kovalevsky (1905); (48) Kuklin, A. S. (1903); (49) Kasparova, V. (1904); (50) Korolev, A. (1916); (51) Krysin (1917); (52) Komandir (1912); (53) Kagalin (1917); (54) Kostritsky (1917); (55) Konkova, A. (1912); (56) Katalynov, I. N.; (57) Korshunov, Ye. (1919); (58) Lashevich, M. (1901); (59) Levin, V. (1917); (60) Lubin, G. (1917); (61) Lelozol, P. (1905); (62) Lizdin (1892); (63) Lobanov, G. (1918); (64) Muralov, N. (1901); (65) Malyuta, V. (1916); (66) Milner, Kh. (1918); (67) Minichev, A. (1911); (68) Makarov, P. (1917); (69) Naumov, Iv. (1913); (70) Nikolaev, N. (1914); (71) Nikolaev, A. (1913); (72) Nalivaiko (1917); (73) Natanson, M. Ya. (1917); (74) Preobrazhensky, Ye. (1903); (75) Pyatakov, Yu. (1910); (76) Ponomarev, V. (1917); (77) Pitashko (1918); (78) Peterson, A. (1917); (79) Paulson, I. (1918); (80) Reingold, I. (1917); (81) Ravich, O. (1903); (82) Radek, K.; (83) Rakovsky, Khr.; (84) Rotskan (1915); (85) Ryzhov (1918); (86) Rafail, R. (1910); (87) Rem, M. (1918); (88) Rumyantsev, V.; (89) Safarov, G, (1908); (90) Smilga, I. (1907); (91) Serebryakov, L, (1905); (92) Safronov, P. (1917); (93) Sarkis (1917); (94) Sokolov (1914); (95) Semenov, Iv, (1917); (96) Semenov, P. (1917); (97) Solovyov, M. (1915); (98) Sosnovsky, L. (1903); (99) Smirnov, I. N. (1899); (100) Semenov, S. G. (1919); (101) Senkov, Z. (1919); (102) Trotsky, L.; (103) Tuzhikov (1919); (104) Tarkhanov, O. (1917); (105) Tarasov, I. I.; (106) Tartakovskaya, F.; (107) Utkin, K. (1918); (108) Ukonen (1918); (109) Federov, Gr. (1907); (110) Furtichev, Iv. (1917); (111) Fortin, Iv. (1919); (112) Filippov, I. (1919); (113) Kharitonov, N. (1905); (114) Khachkov, D. (1917); (115) Chernov (1917); (116) Sharov, Ya. (1904); (117) Shepshelova, M. (1918); (118) Shurygin, A, (1914) ; (119) Eshba, Ye. (1914); (120) Yakovlev, M. (1916); (121) Lilina, Z. I. (1902).

On behalf of the above,

L. Kamenev
