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Leon Trotsky 19291018 An Interview on the August 22 Declaration

Leon Trotsky: An Interview on the August 22 Declaration

October 19, 1929

[Writings of Leon Trotsky. Vol 1, 1929, New York 1975, p. 372]

Question. May one ask how true the press reports are about the “capitulation” of you, Rakovsky, and others?

Answer. There is not one iota of truth in those reports. The rumors are inspired by the declaration which was submitted by several hundred exiled Oppositionists to the central bodies of the Soviet Communist Party. I added my signature to it. The declaration of the capitulators (Radek and others) is designed according to the following pattern: “We renounce our views, which were expressed in the platform of the Opposition, we confess our errors, and we ask to be accepted back into the party.” Rakovsky’s declaration, which is supported by the basic cadres of the Opposition, is drawn up on a different model: “Since events have fully confirmed the platform of the Opposition, and since you yourselves have been forced to borrow from it at every step, we demand that you correct your error by restoring us to the party.”

Q. Do you hope for practical results from this declaration?

A. Not in the least, if by practical results you mean the restoration of the Opposition to the party at the present time.

Q. What then is the immediate aim of the declaration?

A. It is stated quite clearly in the declaration itself. The Opposition reaffirms, before the party, its unswerving devotion to the October Revolution and the Soviet republic and its indissoluble bond with the basic core of the party. The Opposition has made analogous statements at every critical stage during the last few years. This is a valid and indispensable form by which to reach out to party opinion. It has nothing in common with capitulation.
