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Leon Trotsky 19290700 From the Publisher

Leon Trotsky: From the Publisher

July 1929

[Writings of Leon Trotsky. Vol 1, 1929, New York 1975, p. 177]

The October Revolution is passing through a deep crisis. The highest expression of this is the furious struggle of the Stalinist bureaucracy against the proletarian wing of the party, the Opposition. The latter is in incomparably difficult conditions waging an irreconcilable struggle for Marxism, for October, for international revolution. Individual elements with honorable names are wavering or retreating. Grandiose epochs like ours quickly consume or dry up people. But they also speed up the education of a new generation and give it the necessary tempering. The youth of the party, who entered the ranks of Bolshevism on the eve of October or in the years of the civil war, have already produced from their midst a whole layer of representatives of the Opposition, outstanding in energy, devotion, and clarity. The merciless persecutions are evoking the necessary resistance in the hearts of these youth.

The struggle of the Bolshevik-Leninists (Opposition) already has its great history and its not inconsiderable literature. To collect this literature and publish at least the more important of its documents is an absolutely indispensable task which we hope gradually to perform in a series of books, collections, and other publications.

It is, however, no less important to serve the present needs of Oppositional struggle with the help of correctly arranged information. On the pages of the Biulleten we shall be publishing the current documents of the Oppositional struggle, and in general information on the life of the Soviet Communist Party and the Soviet republic.

The Opposition is an international faction and has a right to existence only as such. That is why we shall on these pages give documents which relate to the struggle of the Bolshevik-Leninists not only in the Soviet republic but also in the whole world.

The present publication has close connections with corresponding publications of the Bolshevik Opposition in all countries.

The immediate aim of this publication is to serve the practical struggle of the Soviet republic for the cause of Marx and Lenin.
