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Leon Trotsky 19290601 The Bolshevik Oppositionists Need Help

Leon Trotsky: The Bolshevik Oppositionists Need Help

June 1, 1929

[Writings of Leon Trotsky. Vol 1, 1929, New York 1975, p. 150]

At the time of the first rumors about my exile, comrades in various countries, worried about my fate, formed “Trotsky Aid” committees. These committees started collecting money. In expressing my warm gratitude for the comrades’ concern about my fate, I should like at the same time to state that personally I have no need of financial help. I shall put the amount spent on “Trotsky Aid” in various ways connected with my exile into a fund to help the Bolsheviks suffering under the Thermidorean measures of the Stalin bureaucracy.

Regardless what this fund will be called from now on, I request the comrades to continue the collections, since the need among the Russian Bolshevik-Leninists (Oppositionists) and their families has become extremely great. If they collect money for the Opposition, Russian workers are threatened with unemployment and banishment. Petty-bourgeois and official circles see in the Bolshevik Opposition, quite rightly, their irreconcilable foe. All the more need for help to the arrested and banished Bolsheviks and their families from cothinkers, friends, and revolutionaries in general throughout the world.
