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Leon Trotsky 19300621 Letter to the Executive Committee of the Communist League of France

Leon Trotsky: Letter to the Executive Committee of the

Communist League of France

June 21, 1930

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 2, 1930, New York 1975, p. 298, title: “An Intolerable Situation”]

To the Executive Committee of the Communist League of France

Dear Comrades:

At present none of the groups has received the decisions of the April international conference, not to mention the minutes. At least I am not aware of any formal text of the decisions concerning the International Secretariat and the bulletin.

Despite the fact that six weeks have gone by since the conference, the bulletin has not appeared. Does the editorial board for the bulletin exist? What is its composition? Who selected it? How is it carrying out its work, or more to the point — why is it not carrying out its work?

The situation as it presents itself is absolutely intolerable. The international work, that is, the most important work, is being completely neglected. With the elements present in Paris, it would be possible to create two or three editorial boards for the bulletin with completely separate personnel from the editorial boards of La Vérité and La Lutte de classes. It is mostly a question of technical editors since the bulletin should be primarily an informational organ.

I propose the creation of an editorial board of five members chosen with the assistance of the national groups in Paris. The list of five candidates — or the different lists, if there are conflicting proposals — should be presented to the members of the International Secretariat, to which the editorial board should be responsible in all its work.

I certainly hope that this procedure will be entirely acceptable to the French comrades. Naturally, for my part I will be ready to consider any other proposal indicated by the situation. The only thing that is no longer tolerable, even for another week, is the loss of time.

Communist greetings,

