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Leon Trotsky 19300223 Letter to Valentin Olberg

Leon Trotsky: Letter to Valentin Olberg

February 23, 1930

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 2, 1930, New York 1975, p. 212, title: “Six Letters to Olberg”]

Dear Comrade Olberg,

I received your article about the Latvian party. If it had arrived three days earlier, it would have gotten into number 9 of the Biulleten. It had to be sent on immediately and I am not sure whether it can still be included. At the same time I sent it to La Vérité, where I hope it will appear soon.

Of course I can only be pleased if the pamphlet Who Is Leading the Comintern Today? appears in Lettish. The same applies to my pamphlet about the permanent revolution. I am prepared to allow the Latvian comrades to publish these two pamphlets with the understanding that if there is any profit, it will go to cover the expenses of the Opposition group.

Of course the most urgent task for the Bolshevik-Leninists in Germany is to start putting out a publication. I think that the unification of the Grylewicz group with the Wedding group is a prerequisite for this. To tell you the truth, I see no serious reasons standing in the way of such unity. Are you familiar with the Weddingists? Are you meeting with them? Write about your impressions. Is it possible to count on both groups uniting soon? If not, why? Who and what are the obstacles on the road to the necessary fusion?
