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Leon Trotsky 19300806 Proposal for an Open Letter

Leon Trotsky: Proposal for an Open Letter

August 6, 1930

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 2, 1930, New York 1975, p. 352]

On the CP's turn: For several months now, I haven't followed French politics or even received I'Humanité. But the question you discuss is very important. If both the French party and the French Opposition or the circles that sympathize with the Opposition are going through a similar disorientation, we are the ones who will lose by it, because we are the weaker ones and we can make gains in each situation only through clarity and preciseness. It is very possible that this is the proper time for a tactical maneuver toward the CP membership. For example, an open letter to the Communists enumerating the new assertions made by the CP which coincide with our earlier criticisms, criticisms characterized a few months ago as "Menshevik," etc., by the same leaders. The open letter should lead to the conclusion that once again new experience has demonstrated that the communist workers of the CP can only gain from working in the same ranks with the communists of the Communist League.

Of course, the letter should summarize the differences that remain and are going to come up again. But the object of the letter should not be to present the differences but rather to show that there are important points of agreement that negate the arguments for excluding the International Opposition.

Given that the CP's new line has not yet been concretized, that is, has not yet revealed its Achilles' heel, it is of the greatest interest to us to carry our fight with the apparatus onto the terrain of the party regime. This proposal is a bit vague because, I repeat, I am not abreast of what is happening.

Talk about this with other comrades.

