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Leon Trotsky 19300900 The Krestintern and the Anti-Imperialist League

Leon Trotsky: The Krestintern and the Anti-Imperialist League

Published September 1930

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 3, 1930-1931, New York 1973, p. 34 f.]

What's the news about the Krestintern? It was set up by the epigones precisely to show how people who correctly evaluate the peasantry conduct politics. From the very outset we considered the whole business moribund, and to the extent that it was not moribund, reactionary. At the Sixth Congress of the Communist International [1928], Bukharin apologized that it was not possible to say anything (Le., anything good) about the Krestintern. He suggested that we busy ourselves with "helping the Krestintern turn itself into a real live organization." At the Sixteenth Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Bukharin in his report uttered not one word about the Krestintern, as if it didn't exist Does this mean that it had actually not been turned into a "live organization"? But this, you know, was one of the greatest fruits of anti-Trotskyism!

The peasantry is the least international of all classes of bourgeois society. The Peasant International is in itself a contradiction, not dialectical but bureaucratic. The independent international unification of the peasantry, apart from national sections of the Comintern, is — we repeat — either a moribund bureaucratic invention or a conservatory of bourgeois-democratic careerism under a protective blanket The Krestintern must be openly liquidated, drawing all the necessary conclusions.

It is remarkable that under the shelter of the Krestintern, work in the countryside has achieved practically nothing. At the Sixth Congress, Bukharin was forced to admit: "In peasant regions our influence has not grown, but rather declined, and what's more, both in France and Germany." This has happened because "we" approached the peasantry from the standpoint of the Krestintern, i.e, as a whole In actuality, it turned into a hunt for the petty proprietor as a proprietor. Agricultural workers and semiproletarian peasants were pushed to one side. As a result, communism in the countryside was weakened. Molotov in his report was completely silent about the work in the countryside

The Anti-Imperialist League is the Krestintern in the language of colonies. Its congresses and proceedings have had a purely decorative character. Münzenberg has thrown light with a Bengal match on the left-wing careerists of the Second International and yesterday's executioners of the working masses in the colonies. The Bengal illumination, which cost not a little, left in its wake fumes and smoke, under cover of which the careerists, adventurers, and would-be executioners have gone about their business.

It will not be forgotten that the friendship of the Stalinists for the Kuomintang proceeded parallel to the close bloc with the strikebreakers of the General Council, and the knot of these two friendships was tied in the Anti-Imperialist League.

At the beginning of 1927, Münzenberg, the impresario of every kind of rotten and inflated production, summoned a session of the League in Brussels. The central organ of the Comintern on February 25, 1927, wrote about it:

"It is no coincidence that the most active, inspiring [!], and leading [!!] role at the Congress was played by the main active forces of the Chinese revolution: the Chinese trade unions, the Kuomintang, and the People's Revolutionary Army, on the one hand, and, on the other, by the representatives of the British proletariat on whom fell the central responsibility for organizing the struggle against intervention" (Kommunisticheskii Internatsional, 1927, number 8, p. 5).

"It is no coincidence"! It is no coincidence that at the Brussels conference an "inspiring" role was played by the Chiang Kai-shek Kuomintang and the dear allies from the Anglo-Russian Committee'

The Anti-Imperialist League is the second-line Kuomintang on the international scale. The liquidation of the League, as of the Krestintern, is an urgent measure of revolutionary sanitation.
