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Leon Trotsky 19300600 The Valuable Work of F. Dingelstedt

Leon Trotsky: The Valuable Work of F. Dingelstedt

June 1930

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 2, 1930, New York 1975, p. 274]

Comrade Dingelstedt's article printed below is not a finished work. We received the manuscript, unfortunately, as a third or fourth copy, with the errors and omissions unavoidable in such cases; for despite the fact that Marxism continues to be considered the official doctrine of the Soviet state, genuinely Marxist works, insofar as they are concerned with present-day questions, lead in the USSR, alas, an illegal existence and are distributed in manuscript form.

As we have already written (see number 6 [of. Biulleten Oppozitsii}), the author of the article, Comrade Dingelstedt, a member of the party since 1910, is one of the few "red professors" with a revolutionary past and with a deep hostility to that "as you please" spirit with which the greater part of that not very honorable body is inspired. Dingelstedt is the author of a work on agrarian relations in India, written by him in the British Museum while on scientific leave (F. Dingelstedt: The Agrarian Question in India, Priboi, 1928).

Comrade Dingelstedt has belonged to the Communist Left Opposition since the day it was founded. Removed by the apparatus from active political work, F. Dingelstedt was for several years rector of the Leningrad Forestry Institute. At the time of the great liquidation of the left wing of the party Comrade Dingelstedt was arrested and sent into exile, where he has remained since that time (in Kansk, Siberia).

The comrade who brought us the manuscript reports that according to his information it was a draft appeal to the Sixteenth Congress of the CPSU. This is not fully apparent from the manuscript itself. In view of the length of the work, or rather of the part which has reached us, we are compelled to print it in extracts. We must take on ourselves the responsibility for using an author's draft without the agreement of the author; the interest of the matter is above formed considerations. We do not doubt that readers will agree with us when they have got to know the valuable work of Comrade Dingelstedt.
