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The Young Lenin (1936)

In the Columns of Pravda (Early January 1936)

A Jingle of Lies to Please the ‘Master’ (Early 1936)

The Class Nature of the Soviet State (January 1, 1936)

Against the Confusion of the Antwerp Comrades (January 4, 1936)

Entry into the Socialists in Poland (January 6, 1936)

Notes of a Journalist (January 10, 1936)

On the Soviet Section of the Fourth International (January 11, 1936)

20,000 Oppositionists Expelled from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in Recent “Cleansing” (January 11, 1936)

Tell Workers the Truth About Stalin’s Hounding of Revolutionists in the Soviet Union (January 15, 1936)

The Treachery of the Spanish “Labor Party of Marxist Unity” (January 22, 1936)

From The Treachery of the Spanish POUM (January 23, 1936)

Trotsky Cables Denial to AP on Daily Worker Lies” (as published in the New York Times) (January 28, 1936)

Stalin Frame-Up Mill at Work (January 30, 1936)

Cablegram from Leon Trotsky Hits Hearst and Daily Worker Lies (End of January 1936)

Once Again – The ILP (February 1936)

Beware Opportunism! (February 9, 1936)

Watch Dauge Carefully (February 9, 1936)

About Manoeuvres (March 16, 1936)

On the Stalin Interview (March 18, 1936)

Alfred Rosmer’s Book (March 21, 1936)

Stalin Plans Wholesale Persecution (March 25, 1936)

France at the Crossroads (March 26, 1936, different version)

The Faults of the ASR (March 29, 1936)

On Audacity (March 30, 1936)

Open Letter to an English Comrade (April 3, 1936)

The Tasks in Spain (April 12, 1936, different version)

The New Constitution of the USSR (April 16, 1936)

On Dictators and the Heights of Oslo (April 22, 1936, different version)

The Decisive Stage (June 5, 1936)

Belgian Perspectives (June 6, 1936)

The French Revolution Has Begun (June 9, 1936)

Revolutionary Interlude in France (July 9, 1936)

Preface to 1936 French Edition (June 10, 1936)

The Lesson of Spain (July 30, 1936)

Interview with Collins (Summer 1936)

From a Letter to the CC of the RSAP (Holland) (July 15, 1936)

Statement by Leon Trotsky in Reply to the Charges Made Against Him by the Tass Bureau (August 15, 1936)

An Interview with Leon Trotsky on the Recent Moscow Trial (September 1936)

The Revolution Betrayed (October 13, 1936)

The Moscow “Confessions” (December 18, 1936)

Trotsky in Norway (December 1936)

How Lenin Studied Marx (1936)

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