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Leon Trotsky 19400528 Accusers or Accused?

Leon Trotsky: Accusers or Accused?

May 28, 1940

[Writings of Leon Trotsky, Vol 12, 1939-1940, New York ²1973, p. 231]

The newspaper El Popular, and now Futuro magazine, have addressed themselves to the District Attorney of the Federal District, presenting a complaint that charges me with the crime of "defamation." For my part, it is clear that I am completely willing to let them have their day in court and to personally appear to answer the charges made. Furthermore, for three and a half years I have invited these publications at various times to submit their accusations against me to an impartial commission, named either by the government itself or by the PRM, and I have never had my proposal accepted by my "accusers."

The present proposal by the editors of El Popular and Futuro to place the case before competent authorities for their examination is a long-delayed acceptance of my earlier proposal. I cannot hope for anything better than the intervention of the Mexican judiciary in this case.

Just as the organizers of the May 24 attack, and their "friends," have spread the rumor that I committed an "assault upon myself," so the people who slandered me for a number of years to help Stalin and at the orders of the GPU are today intent on accusing me of having defamed them.

I can assure the public in advance that the editors of El Popular and Futuro will find me well* prepared and that the accusers will be transformed into the accused.
