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Leon Trotsky 19400727 Appeal to the Press

Leon Trotsky: Appeal to the Press

July 27, 1940

[Writings of Leon Trotsky, Vol 12, 1939-1940, New York ²1973, p. 323]

Ever since the case, of the May 24 attack passed into the hands of the Mexican police, I felt it my duty to direct myself as little as possible to the press. Moreover, during past weeks public attention has been focused on the presidential elections Therefore, though I did not disregard the dozens of provocations, insinuations, and slanders stamped with the trademark "Made by GPU” [English in original], at least I left them unanswered.

There is, however, a limit beyond which silence looks like a partial confession of "guilt" On my part, if I bear any guilt it is only for excessive indulgence towards journalists and politicians who are totally immersed in the moral perversity of Stalinism.

In any case, in view of the incessant provocations of La Voz de Mexico, El Popular, and Futuro, I propose from this day forward to give simultaneously to the Mexican press all documents and materials that I hand over to the court, that expose the role of these publications and their inspirers in the service of the GPU. I hope that all honorable publications, regardless of their political tendencies, will help in uncovering the repulsive and criminal plot of Stalin's agency, not only against my honor and security, but also against the public opinion and authorities of this country.
