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Leon Trotsky 19400806 Assassins May Use "Trotskyist" Label

Leon Trotsky: Assassins May Use "Trotskyist" Label

August 6, 1940

[Writings of Leon Trotsky, Vol 12, 1939-1940, New York ²1973, p. 330]

The object of my invitation to the press is to point out to the press the new myth that the GPU is concocting in Mexico. It will appear that the GPU desires to convince humanity that David Alfaro Siqueiros is my agent. And that by my initiative he organized the assault! What preoccupies me most is the attempt of the GPU to revive the theory of self-assault, a thing which is very difficult since the body of Robert Sheldon Harte has been found and since the confessions of those arrested.

But the GPU has in its hands Siqueiros and, through the lawyer Pavon Flores, acting as intermediary, they have hold of David Serrano. Serrano was six years in Moscow, from where he was sent to Spain, and nobody goes out of Russia without the authorization of the GPU. Serrano participated in Spain as an agent of the GPU and came as a high agent of that body to Mexico. That is the reason why he entered the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Mexican Communist Party. …

It is very important for these gentlemen to throw all the blame on Siqueiros and for them to say that everything was organized by him.

Will not the GPU demand of Siqueiros, under pain of death, that tomorrow he declare himself to have been secretly a Trotskyist? Will not Siqueiros declare that he killed Bob Harte in the course of a "self-assault" (i.e., a staged affair)? Will not David Serrano confess that he has been simply an agent of the Dies Committee for the organization of political assassinations? Isn't El Popular already preparing an editorial article on the same theme? We know in advance its style of patriotic indignation! Well, let them try it! Moscow has had for a long time its classical system for affairs of this kind. We await with serenity the new intrigue. We shall help the investigation to discover the logic of this masquerade.
