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Leon Trotsky et al 19400319 Declaration

Leon Trotsky et al: Declaration

March 19, 1940

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 14, New York 1979, p. 853 f., title: “Factionalism and the IEC”]

We, the undersigned, must establish the following facts.

The resident members of the International Executive Committee have not developed any activity for a long period. No international bulletin is published, no circular letters are sent to the sections, no letters are answered. The same concerns the Pan-American Committee.

On February 20 we the undersigned addressed the IEC with the proposition to intervene in the Socialist Workers Party discussion with the purpose of preserving unity. In spite of the extreme gravity and urgency of the matter we did not receive an answer. We must therewith conclude and openly establish that the IEC is nonexistent and that we cannot either directly or indirectly support the fiction of its existence.

From private sources we heard that Comrades Johnson [James] and Lebrun took part in the minority split convention and encouraged their pretension for an independent public organ, i.e., for a split under the camouflage of “unity.” Is this true? We must confess that we cannot really believe such an enormity on the part of comrades appointed as members of the leading body of the Fourth International.

If, in spite of all, it is true, does Comrade Johnson act in agreement with our British section? Does Comrade Lebrun act in agreement with our Brazilian section?

All our information says that the overwhelming majority of the Fourth International remain true to the Marxist theory, to our program, to our political tradition and to the organizational principles of Bolshevism. The connections with Europe are very difficult. But we can and should immediately create a genuine Pan-American Committee based upon the active sections with the purpose of reestablishing as early as possible a new International Executive Committee really representing the Fourth International and capable of continuous revolutionary activity.
