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Leon Trotsky 19400109 Letter to James P. Cannon

Leon Trotsky: Letter to James P. Cannon

January 9, 1940

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 14, New York 1979, p. 848, title: “Dialectics and the Answer to Burnham”]

Dear Friend:

Yesterday I sent the Russian text of my new article written in the form of a letter to Burnham. Not all comrades possibly are content with the fact that I give the predominant place in the discussion to the matter of dialectics. But I am sure it is now the only way to begin the theoretical education of the party, especially of the youth and to inject a reversion [revulsion] to empiricism and eclectics. (I believe Van [Heijenoort] could be very useful in discussion on this matter.)

If the comrades of your faction find that something in my article is not adequate please make concrete propositions for changes during the time of translation. I will answer by airmail and even by cable if necessary.

I received yesterday some materials concerning the Negro question with a not signed carbon copy of a letter addressed to me and dated December 13. There is also a copy of a letter to Comrade Johnson [C.L.R. James] and other materials. I don’t know who sent me all this material and why they arrived with such a delay. In any case I am very thankful for the communications and I agree completely with the proposition insofar as I am able to judge them from here.

W. Rork [Leon Trotsky]
