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Leon Trotsky 19400116 Letter to James P. Cannon

Leon Trotsky: Letter to James P. Cannon

January 16, 1940

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 14, New York 1979, p. 849, title: “Farrell Dobbs’s Arrival”]

Dear Friend:

Smith arrived yesterday. The first contact is made, the impression is very favorable. We wait now for a telegraphic answer from you about the date on the convention in order to settle our one-week or two-weeks plan.

They brought us the Webster dictionary and candy. The beautiful dictionary is now the sensation of the household, especially of our grandson. The candies bear a very friendly trademark. Long live Salem! Please transmit our best thanks to the comrades who sent the Webster dictionary. Our warmest greetings to you both.


L. Trotsky

P.S. What miserable writing is Shachtman’s open letter. Its only merit is that it obliged me to tell him the full truth about his politics. My answer is already dictated, I have only to polish it. Unfortunately it will not be shorter than my letter to Burnham.

