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Leon Trotsky 19400602 Representative Toledano Hurls a New Slander

Leon Trotsky: Representative Toledano Hurls a New Slander

June 2, 1940

[Writings of Leon Trotsky, Vol 12, 1939-1940, New York ²1973, p. 232]

Yes, I have publicly called the theory of "self-assault" stupid and fantastic. A brother of Mr. Lombardo Toledano states, in respect to this, that I have insulted the police, and in particular General Nunez, from whom I can say that in the past I have encountered only help and attention.

The statement of this representative is a crude falsification. Neither the police in general, nor their chief in particular, have raised the hypothesis of "self-assault" in any context Such a theory, or more precisely, a general assertion of this type, was expressed by the publications whose mission is to defend;, cover up for, and justify the crimes of Stalin and his GPU. Some police officials have felt it their duty to investigate this assertion. But the police's duty to investigate all the variants does not deprive me of the right to characterize the assertion of Lombardo Toledano and his friends, who compete with the Communist Party In their slander, as absurd and fantastic. … Or perhaps the honorable representative requires that I myself should consider the hypothesis of my having mobilized twenty armed men, captured the police, kidnapped one of the members of my guard, set fire to my own house, attacked myself and my wife, and wounded my grandson — and all this for purposes that no one can explain in any coherent way — that I should consider this hypothesis to be the result of serious thought and proof of the fine juridical thinking of Mr. Toledano and his friends.

During my press conference, I stated in response to a direct question that although I could not agree with the manner in which Col. Salazar proceeded in regard to my collaborators, I had, nevertheless, not the slightest doubt that the police would be directed in their investigation solely by the desire to establish the truth.

The objective of the new insinuation is twofold: (1) to stir up police hostility against the victim of the aggression and thus to aid the aggressors; (2) to cause, if possible, my expulsion from Mexico; that is to say, my transfer into the hands of the GPU.

Permit me to add one thing: if one followed back the trail of the different rumors and false denunciations placed In circulation by mysterious and semi-mysterious sources, they would lead us much nearer to the high command of the aggressors.
