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Natalia Sedova 19460124 Letter to the Revolutionary Communist Party

Natalia Sedova: Letter to the Revolutionary Communist Party

January 24th, 1946

Dear Comrade,

I received your letter of the 23rd, December, together with that addressed to the "Daily Worker", only yesterday.

I replied to your telegram two weeks ago and I wrote at the same time to the IS and to Goldman. But up to the present I have received nothing from the IS. All that you have undertaken seems to me to be correct and even magnificent. When you get some reply, send it to me immediately. We must really profit from it. It is an exceptional situation to illuminate all these questions definitively.

We have contacted the only member of the Coyoacán Commission who is here, Francisco Zamora, and he agrees to collaborate in everything. All the other members are in the United States. As for the group of comrades who would direct the campaign of the international organisation, they would find more facilities of every sort (publicity, documents, etc.) in the United States than in Mexico. I have proposed to the IS the formation of such a commission as rapidly as possible.

I have been very, touched by your action and I thank you greatly for having set this programme of action on foot with such energy.

With friendly greetings,

Natalia Sedova Trotsky
