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Leon Trotsky 19310610 Letter to M. Mill

Leon Trotsky: Letter to M. Mill

Extract, June 10, 1931

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 13. Supplement (1929-1933), New York 1979, p. 84 f., title: “The Bordigist Line”]

Reading the minutes of the IS, I was very pleased by Comrade Souzo’s position on a series of burning questions. By the way, has Comrade Souzo received my reply to his letter, which I sent him during your absence?

I have the impression that the New Italian Opposition has too careful, too soft, and too much of a wait-and-see attitude towards the Bordigists. I understand perfectly well that at the beginning it was necessary to be very tactful to see if it was possible to collaborate with this group, if they were open to our arguments, etc. But it seems to me that the nature of this group has been fully revealed; it is a culture of pure sectarianism, hermetically sealed, and soured not a little by stifling air. A haughty and sectarian spirit is the characteristic trait of these people. On one hand, they tolerate no critical objections and no interference in their internal affairs, and on the other hand they speak to others in a superior — sometimes even insolent — tone, without the least justification for doing so. It is quite possible and even probable that there are among them some elements that would like to breathe a bit of fresh air. But our excessively hesitant and cautious policy would hold back this process of freeing the healthy elements. It is time to end this policy. Truly, we have infinitely more important tasks than carrying on our backs the debris and refuse of various outdated groups and sects.

Our attitude to Prometeo is particularly clear, because, whatever else one can say about them, they have a position. In my work on Spain I attack Prometeo openly. (I note the fact that your criticism has appeared only in the Bulletin.)

To quarrel with Prometeo on the subject of their intrigues and maneuvers is useless. It is much more valuable to fight them openly and clearly on their main line. They differ from us on every question, all the while pushing their position to the absurd. This group is a barrier in the way of the development of communism in Spain. The New Opposition must clear the road. We must help them do it. The position of Bordiga himself is not known to us. But we must reckon with the facts such as they are: the position of Prometeo is a monstrous mixture of anarchism, syndicalism, and opportunism, wrapped in sectarian conservatism. That is why this group almost automatically supports every grouplet that appears in opposition to us in any part of the world. This must end. The problems of the Spanish revolution open up a very favorable basis for discussion with Prometeo, and this discussion must be of an international character. The German Opposition and the French Opposition must declare themselves against the confusion of Prometeo at their next conferences with all the clarity and intransigence necessary. This will be a blow especially against the Landau and Gourget groups, and will counteract their further intrigues. The international conference will have to resolve this question in a definitive manner, and take organizational measures. I would like very much to know the opinion of Comrade Souzo and his group on this question. …

I will return to purely Spanish questions. The idea of Comrade Souzo to publish an international manifesto on the Spanish revolution is excellent. This manifesto should give a critique not only of the official CP but also of the Catalan Federation. …
