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The Mistakes of Rightist Elements of the Communist League on the Trade Union Question (January 4, 1931, extracts)

At the Fresh Grave of Kote Zinzadze (January 7, 1931)

Letter to the Chinese Left Opposition (January 8, 1931)

Soviets and the Constituent Cortes (January 12, 1931)

Critical Remarks About Prometeo's Resolution on Democratic Demands (January 15, 1931)

The Revolution In Spain (January 24, 1931)

Monatte — Advocate of the Social-Patriots (January 26, 1931)

Letter to the Administrative Secretariat of the ILO (Problems of the German Section, January 31, 1931)

For Communist Unity (January 31, 1931)

The Boycott Tactic (February 5. 1931)

Letter to Alfonso Leonetti (To Alfonso Leonetti on the French Section, February 5, 1931)

Letter to Alfonso Leonetti (You Should Help the New Leadership, February 11, 1931)

Miliukov and the February Revolution (February 25, 1931)

The Strangled Revolution (February 9, 1931, different version)

Workers' Republic and Constituent Cortes (February 13, 1931)

Berenguer’s Resignation February 15, 1931)

A Letter to the Politburo (February 15, 1931)

Letter to all Sections of the International Left (The Crisis in the German Left Opposition, February 17, 1931)

Interview by the Manchester Guardian (February 1931, extract)

Nina V. Vorovskaya (Published March 1931)

The Five-Year Plan in Four Years? (Published March 1931)

Notes of a Journalist (Published March 1931)

Andres Nin and Victor Serge (Published March 1931)

Letter to the International Secretariat (The International Secretariat and the International Bureau, March 7, 1931)

Letter to Torino (To Preserve Our Politics from Degeneration, March 13, 1931)

The Case of Comrade Ryazanov (March 8, 1931)

The Real Disposition of the Pieces on the Political Chessboard (The Trial of the "Menshevik Center”, March 11, 1931)

Soldiers' and Workers' Juntas (March 13, 1931)

The question of trade union unity (March 25, 1931)

Letter to the International Secretariat (I Await Criticism from the Sections, April 1931)

Letter to the International Secretariat (National Conferences First, April 2, 1931) 76

Letter to the Leadership of the Communist League of America (Will Help New Publishing House, April 4, 1931)

Problems of the Development of the USSR (April 4, 1931)

To Say What Is (April 12, 1931)

Letter to the Prometeo Group (Two Letters to the Prometeo Group, April 14)

Thälmann and the “People’s Revolution” (April 14, 1931)

For the Spanish Revolution: The Ten Commandments of the Spanish Communists (15 April 1931, different version)

Repressive Measures of the Republican Government (April 20, 1931)

The Catalan Federation (April 23, 1931)

For Communist Unity in Spain (April 24, 1931)

A New Slander Against D.B. Riazanov (May 1, 1931)

Letter to Auguste Mougeot and Edouard Reiland (What a Control Commission Should Do, May 1, 1931)

Letter to Alfonso Leonetti (The First Lesson from Spain, May 1, 1931)

The Question of Trade Union Unity (May 15, 1931)

The Progressive Character of Catalan Nationalism (May 17, 1931)

The Need for a Systematic Picture (May 20, 1931)

The Problems Of The Spanish Revolution From Day To Day (May 25, 1930 – May 20, 1931)

Letter to Max Shachtman (Part of the Responsiblility for the German Split, May 23, 1931, Extract)

On Comrade Treint's Declaration (May 23, 1931)

Letter to the Prometeo Group (Two Letters to the Prometeo Group, May 28, 1931)

The Spanish Revolution and the Dangers Threatening It (May 28, 1931)

Anarcho-Syndicalism and the Catalan Federation (May 31, 1931)

The Catalonian Federation’s Platform (June 12, 1931)

Notes of a Journalist (Published June 1931)

Principled and Practical Questions Facing the Left Opposition (June 5, 1931)

The Italian Opposition and the Spanish Revolution (June 9, 1931)

French and the Revolution (June 9, 1931)

Letter to M. Mill (Extract, The Bordigist Line, June 10, 1931) 84

Letter to Nin et al (The Catalan Federation's Platform, June 12, 1931)

A Strangled Revolution and Its Stranglers (June 13, 1931)

The Character of the Revolution (The Spanish Revolution on the Order of the Day for the Left Opposition, June 18, 1931)

To the IS and all the national sections: On the Spanish revolution ("Down with Zamora-Maura!", June 24, 1931)

Letter to the Charleroi Federation, Belgian Left Opposition (French Leadership Problems, June 28, 1931) 265

Maurin and the Anarcho-Syndicalists (June 29, 1931)

On the Spanish revolution – Letter to the IS (The Election Results and the Tactics They Indicate, July 1, 1931)

Letter to Max Shachtman (Miscellaneous Information, July 1, 1931)

Letter to Auguste Mougeot (The Secondary Place of Personal Characteristics, July 5, 1931)

A Slander! Blackguards and Assistants (Scoundrels and Their Assistants, July 8, 1931)

Letter to the IS (Spanish Communism and the Catalan Federation/Nine-Tenths of Our Activities
for the Revolution in Spain/
On the Maurín Group in Catalonia and the Left Opposition, July 8, 1931)

Letter to the Manchester Guardian (July 1931)

Letter to the IS (The National Question in Catalonia, July 13, 1931)

Replies to an Associated Press Correspondent (July 14, 1931)

A New Zig-zag and the New Dangers (July 15, 1931)

Trotsky’s Letter to the Pravda (July 15, 1931)

Letter to the National Committee of the Communist League of America (Greetings to the Weekly Militant, July 19, 1931)

Some Ideas on the Period and the Tasks of the Left Opposition (July 28, 1931)

Letter to the IS (A Letter About the Spanish Revolution/A Turn by the Stalinists? July 30, 1931)

The Character of the Revolution (July 30, 1931)

Letter to the IS (The Role of Strikes in a Revolution, August 2, 1931)

Letter to Max Shachtman (Irresponsible Types, August 2, 1931)

Letter to the Executive Committee, Communist League of France (The French Discussion, August 20, 1931)

Letter to Michel Collinet (A Motion and Its Interpretation, August 20, 1931)

The Question of Workers’ Control of Production (August 20, 1931, different version, third version)

Against National Communism! (Lessons of the “Red Referendum”) (August 25, 1931, alternative translation)

Fragments of Truth from Under the Garbage of Slander (August 1931)

Notes of a Journalist (Summer 1931)

Very Significant Facts (Published September 1931)

To Friendly, Sympathetic, Vacillating, Skeptical, and Antagonistic Readers (Published September 1931)

Letter to Andreu Nin (Extract 1: More on Soviets and the "Balkanization" Argument/The Catalan separatists, soviets and communists, extract 2: Rosmer’s Politics, September 1, 1931)

An Explanation in a Circle of Friends (On the Elements of Dual Power in the USSR, September 2, 1931)

Factory Councils and Workers’ Control of Production (September 12, 1931)

The Lost Document (The Stalin School of Falsification, September 1931?)

Foreword to the Russian Edition (of The Stalin School of Falsification, September 13, 1931)

A Letter To Albert Treint (September 13, 1931)

Letter to Albert Treint (September 22, 1931)

Internal Difficulties of the French Communist League (September 25, 1931)

Letter to the Conference of the French Communist League (September 25, 1931)

Letter to Andreu Nin (A Narrow or Broad Faction? On Opposition and the Party in Spain, September 27, 1931)

Trotsky Greets El Soviet (September 29, 1931)

Summary on the French Question (October 9, 1931)

[1st] Letter to the Communist League (A Reply to Albert Weisbord, October 10, 1931, alternative translation)

Letter to the Editors, Osvobozhdenie (Tasks of the Left Opposition in Bulgaria, October 17, 1931)

Discussions with Albert Glotzer (October-November 1931)

Tasks of the Left Opposition in England and India (Some Critical Remarks on Unsuccessful Theses,November 7, 1931, excerpts)

Letter to Max Shachtman (To Help in Britain, November 9, 1931)

Letter to Reg Groves (The British Elections and the Communists, November 10, 1931, different version)

Russian-German Trade Relations (November 14, 1931)

Letter to Max Shachtman (What Is Fascism? November 15, 1931, extract)

On the American Economic Crisis (November 16, 1931)

Notes from a Discussion with Albert Glotzer (November 17,1931, different version)

What Is a Revolutionary Situation? (November 17, 1931)

Very Significant Facts! (November 1931)

The Permanent Revolution and the Canton Insurrection (November 1931)

Letter to Max Shachtman (Better to Seek the Solid, November 30, 1931)

Russian-German Trade Relations (Nov 21, 1931)

Germany, the Key to the International Situation (November 26, 1931, extract)

The Japanese Invasion of Manchuria (November 30, 1931) 356

For a Workers’ United Front Against Fascism (December 8, 1931, extract published in The Militant)

The Impending Danger of Fascism in Germany (December 8, 1931)

Letter to Frankfurt Comrades of the SAP (The Founding of the German SAP, December 14, 1931)

Letter to the Left Opposition of the Communist Party of Switzerland (One Always Begins Weak, December 17, 1931)

Letter to the National Sections (December 22, 1931, extract)

Letter to the National Committee of the Communist League of America (The CLA Role in Europe, December 25, 1931)

Letter to Max Shachtman (Personal Sympathies and Political Responsibilities, December 25, 1931)

Stalin and the Chinese Revolution – Facts and Documents (December 26, 1931)

Some Historical Facts (December 28, 1931) 378

Letter to Alfonso Leonetti (Why Mill Should Be Removed, December 29, 1931)

The White Guard Preparation of a Terrorist Act Against Comrade Trotsky (A Statement of the Bolshevik-Leninists (Left Opposition), December 1931)

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