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Leon Trotsky 19311217 Letter to the Left Opposition of the Communist Party of Switzerland

Leon Trotsky: Letter to the Left Opposition of the Communist Party of Switzerland

December 17, 1931

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 3, 1930-1931, New York 1973, p. 364, title: “One Always Begins Weak”]

To the Left Opposition of the Communist Party of Switzerland

Dear Comrades:

I've owed you a reply to your friendly letter of August 29 for a long time now. I have taken note of the materials you sent me. The fact that you are weak corresponds to the nature of things. One always begins weak, and becomes strong only later on. I hope you are attentively following the development of events in Germany. That is where the great strategic school is now. I believe that you would do well to energetically pose to the Swiss Communist Party the same questions that we are raising before the German party. The more energetically you proceed now, the more the course of events will strengthen the authority of the Left Opposition.

With best communist greetings.


L. Trotsky
