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Leon Trotsky 19310708 Letter to the Manchester Guardian

Leon Trotsky: Letter to the Manchester Guardian

July 1931

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 3, 1930-1931, New York 1973, p. 274]

To the Editor of the Manchester Guardian


In a series of reactionary publications of various countries, in particular of Poland, Rumania, and Greece, there has been printed an article, ostensibly by me, directed against the five-year plan and the Soviet Union. One of the Polish newspapers has even furnished the article with an introduction purporting to show that the article has been specially sent to it. The Manchester Guardian is the sole newspaper in whose pages there has appeared an authentic interview with me about the five-year plan and the importance of collaboration between England and Russia. The character of this interview stands in irreconcilable contradiction to the views and tendencies which that section of the reactionary press that has recourse to forged documents seeks to ascribe to me. The observant and conscientious reader, of whatever standpoint, will, I hope, appreciate this.


L. Trotsky
