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Leon Trotsky 19310414 Letter to the Prometeo Group

Leon Trotsky: Letter to the Prometeo Group

April 14, 1931

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 3, 1930-1931, New York 1973, p. 234, title: “Two Letters to the Prometeo Group]

Dear Comrades:

I must really apologize for not being able to supply you the promised preface. The reason is political, and I am sure you will understand its importance. I should have liked in the preface to summarize the differences which divide us, which implies a solid basis of common principles and methods.

Certain articles and declarations by you lead me to suppose that the differences are deeper than I had thought Your theses on democratic slogans were a revelation. They seem to me to be in irreconcilable contradiction with everything I consider Marxist theory and communist politics. Were I to write now on our differences, my conclusions would be entirely negative. I have not yet lost all hope of seeing you yourselves correct your theses, which are not tactical theses but theoretical ones. That is why I find it impossible for the moment to give a general appreciation of our differences and of the possibility for us to work together. I await the development of the discussion before forming a final judgment. In these circumstances, giving a trifling preface would amount to deceiving the readers and myself on the importance of our differences.

Communist greetings,

L. Trotsky
