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Leon Trotsky 19310412 To Say What Is

Leon Trotsky: To Say What Is

April 12, 1931

[The Spanish Revolution (1931-39). New York 1973, p. 94 f.]

Dear Comrades:

I have finally received the long-awaited news that the Communist Left Opposition has begun publication of its theoretical organ, Comunismo. I don't doubt for a moment that this publication will be well received. Spain is going through a revolutionary period. In such a period, the awakened intellect of the proletarian vanguard seeks avidly to understand questions, not in a detached fashion but in all their internal complexities. Revolutionary epochs have always been periods of the development of theoretical curiosity among historically progressive classes.

No theory but Marxism can give answers to the gigantic problems now facing the Spanish communists. We must also point out in an absolutely categorical manner that no group except the Left Opposition is capable at present of giving the Spanish workers an authentic Marxist interpretation of the conditions of the revolution, its motivating forces, its perspectives, and its goals. Whereas the official centrist faction of the Communist International subordinates the problems of the proletarian revolution to the interests and needs of bureaucratic prestige, which has been seriously compromised and does not permit critical discussion of any question, the Left Opposition proposes as its goal to say what is. Clarity, theoretical precision, and consequently political honesty is what renders a revolutionary tendency invincible. May Comunismo grow and thrive under this banner!

I promise my energetic support and above all a most diligent collaboration. And I invite our cothinkers from all countries to do the same. I am sending you the rough draft of a manifesto on the USSR which I just finished in the last few days. I hope that the advanced communists in Spain will give the internal questions of the first workers' state the same attention that the communists of the USSR and all countries should give to the problems of the Spanish revolution.

Long live Comunismo! Long live the Spanish Bolshevik-Leninists! Long live the revolutionary Spanish proletariat!
