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Leon Trotsky 19320329 A Word of Welcome to Osvobozhdenie

Leon Trotsky: A Word of Welcome to Osvobozhdenie

March 29, 1932

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 4, 1932, New York 1973, p. 74 f.]

Dear Comrades:

The news that you are proceeding to bring out a weekly greatly delights me. In the conditions of the present dreadful crisis and its unforeseeable political consequences, a very heavy responsibility falls on the Left Opposition. The tragic experience of Germany shows where the leadership of the Comintern has fallen to. Under the burden of uncorrected and uncondemned past errors, that leadership is no longer capable of taking a single correct step. The interest of worldwide liberation is sacrificed at the altar of the compromised prestige of the bureaucratic clique. The Bolshevik-Leninists are called upon to show the proletarian vanguard the correct path. The education and reeducation of Marxist cadres is possible only on the basis of living experience on a national and international scale. The weekly journal will give you the capacity to enlighten the advanced workers in Bulgaria about the most important steps of the proletarian struggle in the whole world. Fortunately in most countries with an advanced workers' movement there is already an organization of the Left Opposition. The closer the links are between them and the more energetically their experience is exchanged, the quicker will the Left Opposition free the world proletarian vanguard from the blind and fatal leadership of the bureaucracy.

The ideological and organizational growth of the Left Opposition is pushing the Stalinist bureaucracy, in its struggle for self-preservation, onto the path not only of increased cruelty of repression, but also of ever baser deception of the workers. It is sufficient to mention the fact that the French organ of the International Red Aid, Defense, contains in one of its latest issues an article explaining in detail how Trotsky allegedly gave advice to vote for Hindenburg at the time of the presidential elections. How much further can they sink after that? Revolutionary Marxism was always proud of the fact that it told the truth to the workers. But the Stalinist bureaucracy can no longer take a step without a lie, and those lies are getting more crude, more stupid, and more monstrous. Only a clique which is condemned by history and which is using up the last crumbs of its political capital can have recourse to such measures.

The appearance of your weekly will meet with the warm sympathy of all the sections and groups of the International Left Opposition. You can firmly rely on the comradely support of the Bolshevik-Leninists of all countries.


L. Trotsky
