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The “Uprising” of Nov. 7 (January 2, 1932)

A Letter to the Politburo (January 4, 1932)

Letter to the National Committee of the Communist League of America (Internal Polemics and the Party Press, January 5, 1932)

Left Opposition and the Brandlerites (January 1932)

Reply to the Jewish Group in the Communist League of France (January 15, 1932)

No Deal with German Government (January 23, 1932)

Is Stalin Weakening or the Soviets? (January 1932)

What Next? Vital Questions for the German Proletariat (as published in The Militant) (January 27, 1932)

Letter to Alfonso Leonetti (The Kind of Secretariat We Need, January 27, 1932)

Extract from Letter to the National Sections (February 13, 1932)

Letter to the New Italian Opposition (Two Pamphlets, February 8, 1932)

Letter to Lazar Kling (Three Letters to Lazar Kling, February 9, 1932)

Letter to Max Shachtman (For Collaboration Despite Differences, February 10, 1932)

Letter to the National Committee, CLA (The Weekly Comes First, February 10, 1932)

Letter to Alfonso Leonetti (Bordiga and Social Fascism, February 14, 1932)

Answers to Questions by the New York Times (Trotsky Discusses World Situation, February 15, 1932)

Letter to Simon and Schuster (Excerpts, February 26, 1932)

Interview by the Associated Press (Observations, Political and Personal, February 26, 1932)

Interview by the United Press ( On the War in China, February 29, 1932)

Open Letter to the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR (On Being Deprived of Soviet Citizenship, March 1, 1932)

Letter to Alfonso Leonetti (When Ultraleftists Can Be More Correct, March 6, 1932)

Message to the Conference of the Spanish Left Opposition (March 7, 1932)

Letter to Thomas (On an Entry into the SAP, March 8, 1932)

Letter to the Central Committee of the Spanish Left Opposition (The International Relations of the Spanish Section (March 7, 1932)

Letter to the Editors of the International Bulletin (A Correction on Rakovsky, March 15, 1932)

Letter to Alfonso Leonetti (Our Strength Is in Clarity, March 23, 1932)

A Word of Welcome to Osvobozhdenie (March 29, 1932)

Letter to Stefan Manov (Excerpt, The Left Social Democrats, April 12, 1932)

Letter to Margarete Neumann (On a Political Novel, April 13, 1932)

I See War with Germany (April 15, 1932)

Answers to Questions by the Chicago Daily News (On the Disarmament Question, April 23, 1932, alternative version)

documented: Maurice Parijanine: Interview on "Proletarian Literature" (April 1932)

"The Foundations of Socialism” (A Foolish Man on a Serious Subject, May 1932)

Letter to Albert Glotzer (The American Dispute and International Questions, May 1, 1932)

A Reply to May Day Greetings (May 4, 1932)

Letter to the Administrative Secretariat ("Blocs" and Absurdities, May 6, 1932)

Trotsky Greets Unser Kamf (May 9, 1932)

German Paper Interviews Trotsky (Interview with Montag Morgen, May 12, 1932, different version)

Letter to Alfonso Leonetti (Worried About Spain, May 13, 1932)

Letter to the National Committee, Communist League of America (International and National Questions, May 19, 1932, extract)

Letter to the National Committee of the Communist League of America (The Labor Party Question in the United States, May 19, 1932)

Letter to the Administrative Secretariat (Who Should Attend the International Conference? May 22, 1932)

Letter to Albert Weisbord (To the Communist League of Struggle, May 22 & 24, 1932, alternative version from The Militant)

Letter to Lazar Kling (Three Letters to Lazar Kling, May 23, 1932)

Letter to F. D. Voinoff (To a Bulgarian Worker in the U. S., May 24, 1932)

Letter to the National Committee, Communist League of America (Our Attitude to Weisbord, May 27, 1932)

Letter to Reg Groves (Murphy’s Expulsion, May 27, 1932)

Letter to Albert Glotzer (Shachtman’s “Character”, June 3, 1932)

Letter to the National Committee, Communist League of America (Query About a Shop Paper, June 9, 1932)

Letter to the Sections of the ILO (Proposals for the Antiwar Congress, June 9, 1932)

Letter to the International Secretariat (Closer to the Proletarians of the "Colored" Races! June 13, 1932)

The Coming Congress Against War (June 13, 1932)

Letter to the Spanish Youth (June 13, 1932)

Letter to Alois Neurath (Excepts, Why I Signed Radek's Theses on Germany, June 14, 1932)

Stalinism in Straits; Opposition on Upsurge (June 16, 1932)

The Barbusse Congress (June 16, 1932)

German Perspectives (June 22, 1933)

Letter to the Workers of Zurich (June 25, 1932)

Hands Off Rosa Luxemburg! (as published in The Militant (June 28, 1932)

A Discussion on Greece (Spring 1932)

An Appeal for the Biulleten (July 1932)

On Demyan Bedny (Obituary Reflections, July 1932)

Letter to Max Shachtman (After the CLA Plenum, July 4, 1932)

Letter to Albert Glotzer (Permanent Factionalism Is Not Needed, July 4, 1932)

Letter to Albert Glotzer (Hope for CLA Unity, July 18, 1932)

Declaration to the Antiwar Congress at Amsterdam (July 25, 1932)

A Discussion with Herbert Solow (Summer 1932)

Let Us Reenforce Our Offensive! (August 6, 1932)

Letter to Lazar Kling (Three Letters to Lazar Kling, August 7, 1932)

Perspectives of the Upturn (August 18, 1932)

A Conversation with Trotsky (August 25/October 24, 1932)

Letter to Aage Faerge (Willing to Speak in Copenhagen, August 28, 1932)

Greetings to the Polish Left Opposition (August 31, 1932)

Letter to Reg Groves (After the British Expulsions, September 6, 1932)

The Only Road (as published in The Militant) (September 14, 1932)

Fourteen Questions on Soviet Life and Morality (Family Relations Under the Soviets, September 17, 1932)

Minutes of the Commission: I (September 18, 1932)

The Spanish “Kornilovs” and “Stalinists” (September 20, 1932)

Peasant War in China and the Proletariat (as published in The Militant) (September 22, 1932)

Letter to Osvobozhdenie ("Do Not Ask So Long", September 22, 1932)

From the Archives (September 1932)

Minutes of the Commission: II (September 23, 1932)

Letter to the Editors of The Symposium (A Proposal to an American Editor, Published October 1932)

Letter to Friends in Peking (For a Strategy of Action, Not Speculation, October 3, 1932)

Letter to Arne Swabeck (The Poverty of Our European Sections, October 4, 1932)

Letter to Albert Glotzer (The Poverty of Our European Sections, October 4, 1932)

Preface to the Polish Edition of Lenin's Left-Wing Communism, an Infantile Disorder (October 6, 1932)

Letter to the Editors of Oktoberbriefe (Zigzags and Eclectic Nonsense, October 7, 1932)

Letter to Arne Swabeck (A Duty to Speak, October 10, 1932)

Prinkipo Letter, 1932 (letter) (Fifteen Years!, as published in The Militant) (October 13, 1932)

The Twelfth Plenum of the Comintern (September Plenum of C.I., October 13, 1932)

Letter to Albert Weisbord (October 13, 1932)

The Lesson of Mill's Treachery (October 13, 1932)

The Expulsion of Zinoviev (October 19, 1932)

Mill as a Stalinist Agent (October 20, 1932)

Letter to the National Committee of the Commnist League of America (On Field and Weisbord, October 20, 1932, extract)

The Soviet Economy in Danger (as published in The Militant) (October 22, 1932)

Minutes of the Commission: III (October 28, 1932)

Leninism and Stalinism (October 1932)

German Bonapartism (as published in The Militant) (October 30, 1932)

Negotiations with Weisbord Suspended (October 31, 1932)

Down with Stalin” Is Not Our Slogan (Autumn 1932)

Letter to the Soviet Union (A Left Opposition Statement Should Be Prepared, Autumn 1932)

Documents from Copenhagen (November 1932)

Letter to the Editors of The Militant (Four Years – Trotsky Greets Militant, November 1, 1932)

Open Letter to Victor F. Calverton (Perspectives of American Marxism, November 4, 1932)

Letter to Friends in Frankfurt (November 5, 1932)

Letter to the Leadership of the Communist League of America (Field's Future Role, November 13, 1932)

Trotsky Sues for a Literary Forgery (November 15, 1932)

Stalin Again Testifies Against Stalin (Autumn 1932)

A Suppressed Speech of Lenin (And Other Items, Autumn 1932)

Letter to Greek Friends En Route to Copenhagen (November 19, 1932)

Press Statement at Marseilles (November 21, 1932)

Press Statement on Leaving Dunkirk (November 22, 1932)

Press Statement on Reaching Esbjerg (November 23, 1932)

An Interview by Social-Demokraten (November 23, 1932)

An Interview by Politiken (November 23, 1932)

In Defense of October (Speech in Copenhagen, Denmark) (as published in The Militant) (November 27, 1932)

Radio Message to the United States (The Stalinists and Trotsky’s Radio Speech to America, November 27, 1932)

Questions for Communists (November 1932) 326

Letter to an Unknown Comrade (November 1932) 328

Literary Projects and Political Considerations (November 1932) 329

On Students and Intellectuals (November 1932) 331

A Bolshevik-Leninist Declaration on Comrade Trotsky's Journey (November 1932) 335

Answers to Journalists' Questions (December 3, 1932)

The Passage of Trotsky to Anvers – Open Letter to Vandervelde (as published in The Militant) (December 4, 1932)

Open Letter to Émile Vandervelde (December 5, 1932)

Telegram to Édouard Herriot (December 7, 1932)

Press Statement at Brindisi (December 8, 1932)

Press Statement at Istanbul (December 11, 1932)

"With Both Hands" (The Stalin Bureaucracy and the USA, December 1932)

On the State of the Left Opposition (Extract, December 16, 1932)

Letter to Tsion (Answers to Personal Questions, December 16, 1932)

Memorandum on a Forgery in Spain (December 19, 1932)

Letter to Osvobozhdenie (A Letter to Bulgaria, December 19, 1932)

Letter to the Belgian Section (The Belgian Opposition and Its Newspaper, December 20, 1932)

International Pre-Conference of the Left Opposition Presents Thesis (December 22, 1932)

The Crisis in the German Section (Letter to the Leadership of the German Left Opposition, December 28, 1932)

On Those Who Have Forgotten the ABC (Against Roman Well and Others, December 28, 1932)

On the Suppressed Testament of Lenin (December 31, 1932)

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