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Leon Trotsky 19320700 An Appeal for the Biulleten

Leon Trotsky: An Appeal for the Biulleten

July 1932

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 4, 1932, New York 1973, p. 143]

The present number of the Biulleten has been delayed for reasons other than the wishes of the editor. The next number will appear no later than a month from now, and will be devoted to economic and political problems of the USSR.

We hope to issue the Biulleten regularly in the future. Events demand it. One can say without the slightest exaggeration that it was really only in 1917 that the Bolsheviks were confronted with tasks of such historic dimension as today's. But the difference is that in 1917 at the head of the party was a leadership which met all the demands the great tasks imposed on it Now there is not even a trace of one. Such a conglomeration of criminal errors which the Stalinist bureaucracy is now committing all over the globe could not be wished on the proletarian revolution even by its worst enemy. The world crisis of the whole capitalist social system is supplemented by a deep crisis in official communism. This fact is history's verdict on the epigonic leadership of the Comintern. Stalinism is irrevocably condemned. There is no appeal against that verdict

The development of new world Bolshevik cadres goes on more slowly than the decline of the old ones. No wonder; using up accumulated capital is immeasurably easier than building it up again. However, new cadres of Bolshevik-Leninists are growing up throughout the whole world. No force will now stop its growth.

Our Biulleten occupies a definite place in developing new revolutionary cadres. This is proved by the experience of three years. The Biulleten is indispensable. It will come out. The editorial board requests and awaits the help and cooperation of friends, co-thinkers, and sympathizers.

Whoever wants to can find a way to us without difficulty. Through the official editor named at the head of the Biulleten it is possible to be in touch with someone who is in direct contact with the editorial board and enjoys its absolute confidence. Correspondence can be sent unsigned. On money orders indicate foreign-sender. All these technical problems are easily solved. All that is needed is the revolutionary will!
