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Leon Trotsky 19320704 Letter to Albert Glotzer

Leon Trotsky: Letter to Albert Glotzer

July 4, 1932

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 13. Supplement (1929-1933), New York 1979, p. 141 f., title: “Permanent Factionalism Is Not Needed”]

Dear Comrade Glotzer:

Many thanks for your letters of June 5 and 18. I am also writing to Comrade Shachtman to express how happy I am about the success of the plenum and his forthright statement. The American League really does not need a split or permanent internal factionalism. Many symptoms indicate that we are on the eve of a new chapter in the development of the Left Opposition and that this chapter will be much broader and richer in opportunities than all the previous ones. Right now we cannot afford to disturb or slow the pace of our own development through our own carelessness or excesses.

I agree with you completely that youth work must be coordinated internationally in some form or other. As far as I know, the International Secretariat is at present taking steps in this direction. Comrade Otto Schüssler informs me that the Belgian and French comrades had called for the same thing months ago.

As for Young Spartacus, I will fulfill my obligations, i.e., I’ll send it an article very soon.

With communist greetings for you and other friends.


L. Trotsky
