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Leon Trotsky 19321004 Letter to Albert Glotzer

Leon Trotsky: Letter to Albert Glotzer

October 4, 1932

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 13. Supplement (1929-1933), New York 1979, p. 163, title: “The Poverty of Our European Sections”]

Dear Comrade Glotzer:

I haven’t written to you in a long time. The latest issue of Young Spartacus is very impressive. I find less impressive the fact that The Militant is in danger of going under. I am afraid — and I must say this — that not just the objectively unfavorable conditions are the cause of this, but also the internal battles are partially responsible.

Enclosed is a copy of my letter to Comrade Swabeck concerning the Yiddish paper. Please talk to Comrade Shachtman about this. The comrades have been waiting for this money for months. The poverty of our European sections is terrible. The American comrades have the absolute duty and responsibility to set this matter in order.

With cordial greetings.


L. Trotsky
