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Leon Trotsky 19320323 Letter to Alfonso Leonetti

Leon Trotsky: Letter to Alfonso Leonetti

March 23, 1932

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 13. Supplement (1929-1933), New York 1979, p. 109 f., title: “Our Strength Is in Clarity”]

Dear Comrade Souzo:

Thank you for your last letter. I think it is quite necessary to put out a completely special issue of the International Bulletin devoted to the Bordigists, and perhaps to the Italian question in general. The issue should carry excerpts from the latest resolution of Prometeo on the German question. Such a selection of documents should be provided that each national section can form an objective opinion of Bordigist politics. To leave things as they are, in obscurity, would be very harmful to the International Opposition and especially to the Italian Opposition. Our whole strength is in clarity! At the time of an implacable struggle against the Stalinists we are obstructed and compromised by the Bordigists, who in this period are but a caricature of the Stalinists.

A special issue of the International Bulletin will open a discussion. I will intervene with my pamphlet, which will be much better understood in the light of a sufficient documentation. Thereafter we will be able to proceed with the adoption of a collective statement that forcefully condemns the Bordigist excesses.

Such an issue of the International Bulletin could be produced by the IS in collaboration with the New Italian Opposition. Put this idea to your group, and I will get the IS working on it.

My best regards to you and your group.


L. Trotsky
