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Leon Trotsky 19321100 Letter to an Unknown Comrade

Leon Trotsky: Letter to an Unknown Comrade

November 1932

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 4, 1932, New York 1973, p. 328]

Dear Comrade:

I am not sure whether you know my handwriting. If not, you will probably find someone else who does. I am profiting by this fortunate occasion to write a few words to you. The comrades who sympathize with the Left Opposition are obliged to come out of their passive state at this time, maintaining, of course, all precautions. To communicate with me directly is not always easy. But it is possible to find an absolutely sure way, of course, not direct; for example, through my son in Berlin. You can find him through Pfemfert (I am enclosing his address), through Grylewicz, through personal acquaintances, etc. Keeping all precautionary measures, it is necessary to establish communications for: information, to distribute the Biulleten, aid with money, etc., etc. I am definitely expecting that the menacing situation in which the party finds itself will force all the comrades devoted to the revolution to gather actively about the Left Opposition.

I will wait for a written (typewritten) affirmation that this letter has been received. It can be written to: M. Pierre Frank, Poste Restante, Pera, Istanbul.

I clasp your hand firmly.


L. Trotsky
