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Leon Trotsky 19320524 Letter to F. D. Voinoff

Leon Trotsky: Letter to F. D. Voinoff

May 24, 1932

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 4, 1932, New York 1973, p. 110, title: “To a Bulgarian Worker in the U. S.]

Dear Comrade:

I have received your letter of May 9. As far as I can judge from your letter, you are a Bulgarian. You tell me that you have been in the United States for a long time and that there are many Bulgarian workers in your town. Do you belong to any organization? Do you maintain links with Bulgaria?

In any case, I am sending you some issues of the Bulgarian paper Osvobozhdenie. I collaborate with this paper. You probably know the name of the great Bulgarian revolutionary Rakovsky. Osvobozhdenie carries on in the spirit of his ideas.

If you are interested in the paper, you should get it sent directly from Sofia.

If you have close comrades who read English, they can get the American paper, The Militant, which follows the same policy as Osvobozhdenie. You are perfectly correct in saying that this is an exceptionally critical time, especially in the Far East. For precisely this reason not a single conscious worker should stand aside from the great struggle to achieve socialism through the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Comradely greetings,

L. Trotsky
