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Leon Trotsky 19320807 Letter to Lazar Kling

Leon Trotsky: Letter to Lazar Kling

August 7, 1932

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 4, 1932, New York 1973, p. 171 f., title: “Three Letters to Lazar Kling]

Dear Comrade Kling:

I was very pleased to hear about the growing influence of the newspaper Unzer Kamf. We hope that in the near future the newspaper can be converted into a weekly.

You send word of the plan to publish a number of the Left Opposition's works, in particular my own, in the Jewish language in pamphlet and book form. I, of course, can only welcome this.

Comrade Nathan is not a member of the Left Opposition; he is only a sympathizer and is trying to clarify a number of questions through correspondence. I find these letters very interesting because they give me an idea of the Palestine situation. As regards Comrade Stein, he is quite definitely an active member of the Left Opposition.

As far as I can judge from Comrade Nathan's letters the Left Opposition could win considerable influence in the left Poale Zion. It would be good if the American comrades would make the necessary effort toward this end.

You are interested in my opinion concerning the organization in New York of an international bureau of Jewish workers. It seems to me that it may be premature to start this. At the present stage, it is enough to energetically distribute Unzer Kamf to all countries where there are Jewish workers, to establish contacts, to carry on correspondence, etc. All this work will naturally become very much expanded and will take on a more systematic character when the newspaper becomes a weekly. Only on the basis of experience will we then be able to judge how expedient it would be to create a special bureau.

On the question about the events in Palestine, I am right now only gathering material. In particular, I am awaiting the arrival of an American, a Marxist, from Palestine. Comrade Nathan is also sending me valuable material. This will give me the opportunity to express a more concrete opinion on the 1929 movement and to make out to what degree and in what proportions the Arab national liberation (anti-imperialist) movement was connected with reactionary Mohammedans and anti-Semitic pogromists. I think that all these elements were present.

I am hoping to write a book about America but not right away. I have been gathering material for it for quite some time.

With comradely greetings,

L. Trotsky
