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Leon Trotsky 19320210 Letter to Max Shachtman

Leon Trotsky: Letter to Max Shachtman

February 10, 1932

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 4, 1932, New York 1973, p. 44, title: “For Collaboration Despite Differences]

Dear Comrade Shachtman:

Although you have not yet answered my last letter I nevertheless feel duty-bound to write you once more. I notice from the documents received that you propose to give up the post as editor of The Militant. I hope that before these lines reach you this matter has already been straightened out. How could it be otherwise? Your resignation would mean a blow not only for the American League but also for the International Opposition. The National Committee by vote has once more expressed its confidence in you. As far as I am concerned I certainly hope that despite die important differences of opinion our collaboration in struggle and friendship in the future will remain unshakable. In every respect it is absolutely necessary that you remain at your post.

L. Trotsky
