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Leon Trotsky 19320900 Letter to Osvobozhdenie

Leon Trotsky: Letter to Osvobozhdenie

September 22, 1932

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 4, 1932, New York 1973, p. 202, title: “"Do Not Ask So Long"]

To Osvobozhdenie

Dear Comrades:

I continue to receive Osvobozhdenie regularly, and attentively follow the work of your publication.

The Czechoslovak government dragged out the question of my visa for several months. First they offered me conditions: to live in a definite place and for not more than eight weeks, only to get medical treatment, not to meet anyone, not to receive journalists, etc., etc. I accepted all these conditions. After all this the visa was refused; in my opinion, for not a single well-founded reason. All this contradicts the words of the Russian poet: "Do not ask so long for a decisive refusal." But here the question is not about a visa. …

Our Chinese comrades have recovered following the cruel police repressions. I am sending you a letter to them and the answer.

On reading it you will see how far our Belgian section is advancing. We are also having considerable success in Germany. Inside the SAP a considerable faction of ours is being created, which is on the eve of splitting and coming over to us.

The economic situation in the USSR is extremely strained. It is impossible to follow without extreme unease the contradictions between the fiery trumpeting of the official Stalinist press and the advancing crisis of the Soviet economy. You will find material on this in the Biulleten which has just appeared, and in the next issue there will be a special long article on this question.

A warm handshake,

Your L. Trotsky
