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Leon Trotsky 19320504 Letter to Osvobozhdenie

Leon Trotsky: Letter to Osvobozhdenie

May 4, 1932

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 4, 1932, New York 1973, p. 91, title: “A Reply to May Day Greetings]

To Osvobozhdenie

Dear Comrades:

I have received your May Day greetings telegram. Thank you! By chance a telegram from the Soviet Union, from the exiles in Siberia, also reached me.

I receive Osvobozhdenie regularly. I have number 5 in my hands right now. The journal produces a lively impression, and I fully understand that this will be the feeling of all thinking and independent elements of the proletarian vanguard.

The Prussian elections have given a cruel check to the policy of the Stalinist bureaucracy. The results of the French elections will evidently go in the same direction. A hard blow! But as has not seldom been the case in history, the defeats will stimulate critical thought. It is this that explains the fury of the Stalinist bureaucracy. Yesterday I received a letter from the comrades in Danzig, where Stalinist apparatus functionaries, at the head of an attacking gang, burst into a hall where a public meeting of the Opposition was to open and carried out a pogrom, fully in the spirit of the fascist paramilitary units. The meeting was broken up. But on the very next day the secretary of the local organization of young workers, along with ten others, came over to the ranks of our Danzig organization. A very important and promising symptom!

The more furious the Stalinist bureaucracy becomes, the more tenacity and self-control will be required of the Left Opposition. We shall show and prove to the conscious workers that we are not to be dispersed by threats or overcome by violence. We shall win the confidence of the rank and file of the movement with the clarity and consistency of our class politics.

I do not doubt that the responses to the work and successes of the International Left Opposition will reach even the Russian Bolshevik-Leninists, including those imprisoned and exiled. I take courage from their names, and above all from the name of C. G. Rakovsky, and I pass on to Osvobozhdenie and to all Bulgarian comrades warm fraternal greetings.


L. Trotsky
