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Leon Trotsky 19320527 Letter to Reg Groves

Leon Trotsky: Letter to Reg Groves

May 27, 1932

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 13. Supplement (1929-1933), New York 1979, p. 117, title: “Murphy’s Expulsion”]

Dear Comrade Groves:

You must excuse my inexcusable lateness in answering your letter. I was, till now, completely absorbed with urgent work. Then I must confess to have overlooked your advice that I can write to you in French and for English letters I must wait for a special occasion as my own English is too had. At this time we have here as a guest for a short time the American Comrade Weisbord. You know that his group is not connected with the Left Opposition but he tends to adhere to our organization. We discussed here some important questions which can present a certain interest for the English comrades. I send you enclosed copies of a statement about the labor party question in America, of a letter to Comrade Weisbord and his suggestions concerning that letter, and of his proposed organizational recommendations. The statement regarding the labor party you can use at your discretion, but the other material is only for the private use of the comrades.

I would be glad to receive from you news about the action of your group recently and about the situation in the Communist Party. From the official papers I have learned that Murphy is expelled as a “near Trotskyist.” What does this wonderful story mean? Explain this please in detail. And what is the expelled Murphy doing?

Are you acquainted with the book society of Comrade Beech, and what is your opinion about this? Cannot the members of the Left Opposition adhere to that society and get in this manner a legal basis for their activity?

What does the left wing of the Independent Labour Party represent which you mention in your letter?

Fraternally yours,

L. Trotsky
