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Leon Trotsky 19320412 Letter to Stefan Manov

Leon Trotsky: Letter to Stefan Manov

Excerpt, April 12, 1932

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 4, 1932, New York 1973, p. 83, title: “The Left Social Democrats]

The second presidential election in Germany means in the full sense of the word a catastrophe for the German Communist Party. Our criticism will meet with an already favorable audience there. I do not doubt that in the coming months the Left Opposition in Germany will enjoy very great success.

A few days ago I received a packet of the Bulgarian journal, Klasove Borba [Class Struggle], with some articles of mine reprinted. As far as I understand, that journal is issued by the left wing of the Social Democracy. Like other organs of the latter, this journal reprints articles directed against the official course of the Comintern while saying nothing of our criticism directed against the Social Democracy. These "left" Social Democrats lead a purely parasitic ideological existence They do not understand, or pretend not to understand, that we stand much further from them than does the Stalinist bureaucracy, regardless of its phraseology about "social fascism."
