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Leon Trotsky 19321220 Letter to the Belgian Section

Leon Trotsky: Letter to the Belgian Section

December 20, 1932

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 5, 1932-33, New York 1972, p. 39 f., title: “The Belgian Opposition and Its Newspaper]

To the Belgian Section

Dear Comrades:

You recently transformed your publication into a weekly. Now you are enlarging its format An excellent achievement We must rejoice all the more in that your journal depends not on occasional contributions but exclusively on a proletarian organization. In this connection, the Belgian section can and must become an example for many others.

After a period of decline, the Belgian Opposition, having purged itself of intellectual dilettantism, has begun a consistent rise. Of course by that I don't in any way mean that our movement does not need intellectuals. Such a point of view would be evidence of narrow prejudice. Revolutionary intellectuals who put themselves entirely at the disposal of a workers' organization can render it very useful assistance, thanks to their special knowledge. But amateurs who come around the revolutionary movement from time to time, kindly consenting to lead the working class during their leisure hours — such leaders" can only do harm.

Your organization is closely linked with the working masses. It demonstrated this anew during the recent strike. You are testing the ideas and methods of the Opposition through the experience of the class struggle, by which those ideas and methods penetrate the consciousness of the workers. In general this is absolutely necessary for the vitality of a revolutionary tendency and for its systematic growth.

You are following, I hope, the discussion which is now developing in the German Left Opposition. Despite its undoubted achievements during the last year, our German section is obviously not completely free of the methods of intellectual dilettantism which introduce intolerable hesitation into its leadership. The task is for the German section to be taken in hand by the advanced workers linked to the mass organizations. Through their example and advice our Belgian comrades can, in this connection, provide them with considerable aid.

Our press cannot rely on the capitalist apparatus for its distribution. Our apparatus consists in the devotion of the workers to their cause, to their organization, and to their press. Your experience demonstrates that only this road assures a serious success.

Best wishes with communist greetings,

L. Trotsky
