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Leon Trotsky 19321211 Press Statement at Istanbul

Leon Trotsky: Press Statement at Istanbul

December 11, 1932

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 4, 1932, New York 1973, p. 346]

Istanbul, Turkey, Dec. 11 (AP) — Leon Trotsky, exiled Russian Bolshevik, is back in Turkey, where life for him is dull but safe. Surrounded by civil service workers aboard the steamer Adria, where he will spend the night, he sent the following statement ashore by his secretary:

"My wife and I have had a very satisfactory trip, which was my first during my four-year stay in Turkey. Visa difficulties, which first made the trip seem impossible, were easily overcome, thanks to the loyal and swift aid of the Turkish authorities.

"This fact alone should quell rumors circulating in Europe that I am treated as a prisoner in Turkey. The rumors are untrue that I went to Copenhagen to talk with representatives of the Soviet government. Surely Turkey would be a likelier spot for such a conversation than Denmark. The trip was entirely private without the slightest political purpose.

"We shall return to the island of Prinkipo, where my fishing and hunting gear await me and where I have the small library which remains from the fire in 1931.

"I shall write a short book about my trip before settling down to more serious work on the international political and economic situation, which will occupy me throughout 1933."
